Intravenous [DELTA]9-THC: Effects on Ventilatory Control and Cardiovascular Dynamics

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator

[DELTA]9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active component of marijuana, was studied to determine whether it might be useful for preanesthetic medication. Ten healthy subjects received THC intravenously in logarithmically spaced incremental doses. Four subjects received a total cumulative dose of 135 [mu]g/kg and four others, 201 [mu]g/kg. Two of the ten subjects discontinued the study because of anxiety reactions. Ventilatory minute volume at a controlled elevated CO2 tension, 48 = 2 (SD) torr, changed minimally with THC, -0.49 1/min/50 per cent increase in dose. THC shifted the ventilatory response to CO2 2.7 torr dextrad at 20 1/min without a change in slope. Dose-related tachycardia was the most marked cardiovascular effect. Heart rates increased to more than 100/min in five of six subjects. Cardiac index increased from 4.04 = 0.62 1/min/m2before THC to 6.92 = 2.34 1/min/m2after 134 [mu]g/kg. Mean arterial pressure increased slightly, and total peripheral resistance fell. The cardiovascular changes suggest betaadrenergic stimulation. Intense mental effects and anxiety prohibited higher THC doses.

(C) 1975 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Source: Abstract
Complete study with charts in PDF:
Intravenous [DELTA]9-Tetrahydrocannabinol: Effects on Ventil... : Anesthesiology
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