is it safe 4 a dehumidifer in room?


New Member
hello all.. i have a room 4x4 6'3 tall. i have 3 plants that r in flowering for 4 weeks and have them in soil with a fan. i notice the humity was 80 and the temp was 72degrees. whell it hurt to have a dehumidifer is the room? i set the dehumidfer on 40 per cent cuz i read it should be around 60 to 50 percent.. since i put in there it stays around 40 pecent now. i just dont know if it going to hurt the plants?
If you were still vegging I would say that's too low, but seeing as you are flowering I'd say you are fine. Just keep an eye on your plants and if they seem to be drying out too fast or needing water more than once every 5-6 days then turn it down to 50%.
Yeah that's a bit too often. Make sure that you are waiting to water untill the top couple inches of dirt are completely dry before watering. Otherwise you will waterlog your plants and they'll basically drown. If it is getting that dry in only 3 days then yes I say you need to turn down the dehumidifier a bit.
thxs nodirt. i had to turn it up today i looked at humity (cant spell worth a fuck) lol.. it was down to 20%. so i did what u said.. i got it at 50% now..
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