Is this a cal mag problem or something else


New Member
This is a first for me. Not sure what the problem is. About week 6 of flower. I think I may be late on cal mag fert dosage. Is that likely the problem?
This is a first for me. Not sure what the problem is. About week 6 of flower. I think I may be late on cal mag fert dosage. Is that likely the problem?
Yah, calcium deficiency to be specific. Shows up as white spots. You when increase calmag for flowering? Maybe increase little bit more.

EDIT: If you never pick up one chart, here's one that's been floating around here

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Is the soil or soilless mixture moist or dry to the touch if you place your finger in the medium?
what are the day and night cycle temperature and humidity ?
In what order are you adding the nutrients into your water source?
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