Is this A male


New Member
Its about 7 weeks from seed ,im looking for a good mother plant .
and didnt think they would show sex tell 12/12 they are geting 18/6 now .
a manly male if i do say so myself
yes that's a male... but i think you may want to keep it if you're interested in auto-flowering strains... if you're on 18/6, and it's flowered THAT much, i think you should keep it... pollinate a suitable female... autoflowering strains are almost un-cloneable, but the good thing is that you can keep the lights on 18/6 or even 24/0, and the plant will still bud properly, and will actually grow larger buds...
Thanks for replys.
im bumed, i got him out of there .
very strange, when i stared this grow i put 3 of one kind of seed and 3 of another and out of that i got 3 plants started.
all 3 plants were diff looking and none of the seeds i have are autoflowering that i know of (white widow, norther lights, big bud).

Now what to do with the male it is such a nice looking plant but it is no good to me right now and i have no place to put it .
would like to put it outside somewere to visit, but think its a little to early, still cold at night here.

wish there was some farm somewere you could send them to live out there lives like there is for old dogs :hmmmm:
um, it's a male! KILL IT!!! that's what u gotta do to all males... kill it and start a new one and hope it turns out female!
seriously!! NO!!!... that male auto-flowered... save some pollen! PLEASE!! it's not totally bad! if there's ANY properties in a male that you'd like in a female, keep it, as you can cross it with a female that has desireable properties and hope that one of the seeds turns into a female that has all the properties you desired from the two... and think about it... more seeds for later! you only need to pollinate a few sacs... make like 40 seeds from one plant, and you can still have super dank buds... if males didn't exist we wouldn't have any females...
ok i saved some spank .
just put some in a zip lock baggie and put it in the freezer.
Question 1 how long is it good for ?
Question 2 how many weeks into flowering do i shake it on female ?
the pollen should be good for at least a few months... and any time buds show is time to pollinate... when the pistils are white and as straight as they get... when they start to curl is when its starting to get too late for that SINGLE bud to produce seed... just take a q-tip, dip it in the pollen, and touch it to the pistils of whatever buds you want pollinated...
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