Is this vaporize of value?


New Member
I found this vaporize on ebay, and I was curious to see if this product is any good? I want to move to vaporizer for my health, but I don't really want to go 100 and want something pocketable for healthy on the go usage. Thank you.
I've never heard of that but it doesn't look very legitimate..It doesn't even say how the vaporizer works. If you're just looking for something cheap and portable you should spend the extra 5 bucks for a VaporGenie.
Yeah that is what I was thinking, but I saw this as an all in one combo kit that is pen shaped and went hmmm this could be worth it.

Now maybe you or someone else can tell me, besides the VaporGenine, and Essential VAAAPP are there any other pocket friendly vaps that you light, and cost $100 or less or are these is?
There's also the VaporStar, which I have read good reviews about. I'm not allowed to link their website here so you will have to search for it, but it shouldn't be hard to find.

I've also read a lot of good things about the Magic Flight Launch Box.
I bought my first straight from them, but is a 420Mag sponsor and is cheaper if you're buying 2 or more ($75 order qualifies for free shipping)
VaporStar would be nice but I don't use a water pipe/bubler, and I saw a similar coal based model at a local shop here.

For a newb to vaporizers and heat control, which do you guys recommended Essential VAAAPP, VaporGenie, or something totally different.
I don't know much about the Essential Vape (new name for VAAAPP) but it doesn't look like much more than a lightbulb vaporizer, right? Except much more expensive...
I'd recommend either the VaporGenie or Magic Flight Launch Box. There are "better" portable vaporizers, but they will cost you at least a couple hundred bucks.
Check out these threads of the VaporGenie and VaporStar:
The Amazing VaporGenie
VaporGenie Wooden Vs VaporStar
Also, you should look up the Magic Flight Launch Box on Youtube or Google for some info on that; I haven't used it myself but it looks pretty nice

@The Weed:
The only thing I'd suggest getting with your VG would be some extra screens, though you shouldn't need them for awhile
Hmm, what are some options in the 150 range, that the user either light or uses batteries?

Again I like the vaporstar, but the fact that I don't own equipment that works with it, I can't get one. Plus, I am not sure of a compact device that could work with it?
The Vapman would be a great choice, though it requires a torch lighter to use (it's not hard to find one on the internet - even eBay has really cheap ones).
Vapman Vaporizer - Handheld Portable Vaporizers @
and then there's the Vapir Portable Vaporizer, but I haven't read many good reviews about this one..most people say it tastes like plastic and always breaks quickly, though I haven't tried it myself
$0 - $100 : Herbal Vaporizer, Digital & Portable Vaporizers - Reviews & Shop @

and then here is the popular Magic Flight Launch Box:
Magic Flight Launch Box - $99.00 : Herbal Vaporizer, Digital & Portable Vaporizers - Reviews & Shop @

There is another one that VapeNow doesn't sell called the Vapolution Pocket Vaporizer. It's just a small glass tube that you put your bud into and heat with a lighter on the outside of the me it is another that seems just like a more expensive lightbulb vape, but this one is pretty cheap..around $30 I think.
So, after looking around this site it may seem that the VaporGenie maybe the best option for me. I just have a few questions. How much plant material do you put in the Genie to get it to actually turn into vapor?

Edit: Is the Vapor Genie bat model any good?
The bowl size depends on which model you get; the glass VG has the biggest bowl, and all of the other models have the same size bowl. The classic wooden VGs used to have a smaller bowl than the rest, but lately some of the ones I'm buying have been a new model with a larger bowl than before. Anyway, a bowl with the old style VG was about .1 or .15 grams, but you could fit a bit more in there now. It doesn't seem like much, but it really works

About the aluminum bat: I haven't used it myself, but I've read very good reviews about it on other forums. People have been saying that it is the easiest to use because it takes slightly longer to heat up, making it VERY hard to combust the herb.
Here's a quote from someone who has been experimenting with the aluminum bat:
I noticed with the bat, you can also control what kind of hit you are going to get by what direction you point the hole... I have been pointing the whole all different kinds of directions. Point downward for big hits, point up for light hits... point sideways for in between...
Hmm interesting. Is the bat also using the same bowl size? Does the bat offer the same experience and taste as the classic or does the aluminum and shape affect things?
If both the classic and bat are the same price which do you suggest getting for a person who is experienced with regular pieces, but not vaps. Is there a picture that compares the size of the classic, the hand-carved, and the aluminum? Thank you.....

btw you know if the Phyto-Lab hand-held vap is any good?
About the aluminum bat: I haven't used it myself, but I've read very good reviews about it on other forums. People have been saying that it is the easiest to use because it takes slightly longer to heat up, making it VERY hard to combust the herb.
Here's a quote from someone who has been experimenting with the aluminum bat:

The bat is sweeeet. I love my wooden one, but you can't beat the bat for portability.

And I never thought of trying to tilt it, I think I'm gonna try it out right now. :grinjoint:
But, which would you say offer better hits, easier to use and gets you higher(ie more vap porduced)? BTW is the bowl on the wood, and bat the same size?
The bowl of the VG bat is the same size as the handcarved and aluminum VG, but I don't know if that's the same size as the new wooden design.
There is a pic of the bat and wooden VGs together on the Vaporgenie home page; the aluminum bat's dimensions are 4.5 inches long and 7/8 inches in diameter..that's pretty small.

I'd say MrGrunge could answer your other questions better than I could since he actually has one ;)
But, which would you say offer better hits, easier to use and gets you higher(ie more vap porduced)? BTW is the bowl on the wood, and bat the same size?

Honestly, you get the most bang for your buck with the bat. It's got the same bowl size as the wooden ones, more portable, and it's easier to gauge your hits. I don't think one really produces more vapor than the other. Really, for only $45 you can't go wrong with the bat.
Perfect, I guess the bat will be it. Just two final questions; 1) what is the best lighter to use with the VaporGenie; 2) where can I purchase the bat with out suspicion arising or comes in a unmarked package? Thank you.
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