It just so happens...


New Member
That a batch of silver haze is comin to town for $20 a gram...
good deal?
should i buy?
how good is silver haze?
need advice fast!
Eh, I dunno about $20 for a gram, but if you have cash, go for it. Always good to sample a new strain. I personally haven't smoked silver haze, but I've heard good things about it.
I've only heard good things about it
my connection and best friend tried it and after one hit they were blazed
its homegrown hydro too...I think I'll pick some up this week
I'll post pics if possible
Fuck yeah bro id try it out, if i had the cash...
Seems expensive to me sir, but I live in the weed capital of NA. I recomend buying it and buying LOTS. Think of it thusly; the more you buy the more you have to smoke and share with your friends.
damn when my friends get me bud its usualy starburst, grapefruit ect. (good smelling) for 20 a gram and the guy that grows it had a med card and everything
sQuirly said:
damn when my friends get me bud its usualy starburst, grapefruit ect. (good smelling) for 20 a gram and the guy that grows it had a med card and everything

i used to live in bako, went to west, and stockdale. god i hate that place.
yes we did get that white widow
it actually wasn't as good as i heard it was going to be

I'll probably buy a 1/4
Yeah I'm getting a quarter tomorrow Big Blunt
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