Just A Short Acedote


New Member
I remember reading about an English writer (can't remember his name). This was around the late 1800's--early 1900's, when all these new drugs were coming into England from far-off places and the intellectuals of the day spent a lot of time trying out these new drugs, and combinations thereof.
Some mornings he recalled that during the previous night, stoned on shrooms or heroin or whatever, he would have these monumental thoughts. Ideas that were of life-changing significance. But he's never remember what they were the next morning, just that they were spectacular.
So before the next session he put pencils and papers all over his place so he could write down these earth-shattering thoughts as they occured.
The next morning he saw some writing on one of the pads and rushed over to read what he had written the night before, when he was high.
It said "this room smells funny".
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