Know what stinks?


New Member
I have a son in the NICU. He was born at 27 weeks. He's 2 months old now, and has had his share of ups and downs. He's been on lots of meds, some for spitting up and agitation. Some of the meds given to him are listed as narcotics and are addicting. The side effects aren't very kind either.

I don't even want to go into the meds they give to hyperactive kids.
Those same frustrations are shared by many:
A hope is to have our Medical community someday find a way, any and all Medical Cannabis may be used in various forms as non synthentic as possible to treat many afflictions even in children. Our thoughts & love are with your son.
As a child I was quite unruly
I ran away from elementary school around 5 times
Never did homework
Never payed attention in class
My mother did whatever she could to keep me off of ADD/ADHD meds such as ritalin

After a few years [and] a harrowing bout with depression and being on welbutrin (a depression med)

I started to focus my efforts. I became a little better in school, but ultimately I focused on what I really wanted to do, art.
In public school I was never that good of a student, I always aced tests, understood the material, teachers loved me but hated my lack of homework.

Now, I am an art student. I'm getting better marks than I ever have, I've been on dean's list every quarter and always get my work done and try to set an example.
To help me do my art I smoke weed and work for hours on end.

Though I don't think that you should give marijuana to anyone pretty much under age, as with any intoxicant really. I do see where you are coming from and shared my story for such a reason.
I'm totally against getting a two month old high. I hope that is just a hypothetical situation.

Look. I'm just saying that it sucks that marijuana is illegal, but NICU units all over the world are okay with giving children Ativan and Fentanol for pain and agitation which are narcotics known to be addicting and harmful.

THC would do the same job, and have less side effects. Yes I know it's illegal to get a kid high. But what do you think the Ativan and Fentanyl do? They put him in la-la land!!

Of course it's hypothetical. I'm not going to give it to him.... What do you think I am, a horrid parent? Sheesh.

I wish there was a rolling eyes smiley readily available.
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