Leaves are Perky and almost straight up


New Member
Is this a good sign or not, for theese younglings?

is it heat stress?

there not wilty, exact opposite, almost closing up but Rigid.
Do you know the temp? Could be heat. . . could be water too. . . I'm going with water. . . should go and spend a few bucks on a moisture meter. . . I found that it was my biggest issue with my grows. . . too much or not enough. . . I bought a water meter for 5 bucks. . . and it isn't a question any longer. . .

Little tip. . . that first pic I see ur using what looks to be a 2 liter bottle for a pot. . . ( I used to use them as well ) prblems occur when the roots make it to the sides. . . roots should receive no light. . I would cover the container with some construction paper or something to block out the light till your ready to transplant into a bigger pot. :peace:
looking fine..
dirts a little dry and strange looking but thats good, as long as its not wilting for water.

might be a little warm though whats the temperature in thier immediate area?
Okay, So I wakeup this morning and the second picture plant, well, the two spiky leaves are now wilted and skinny as heck, still in the same position as lastnight, wtf!?!?

Why cant this grow go aswell as my first..... those seedlings gave me no issues and were double the size with the same setup.
I have the same problem, looks very similar to your second pic only mine are even more verticle. I wish I had a camra. Anyways I could use some advice.
My plants were the same way and I put them outside on a real sunny day and added a couple more CFL's (compact florecent lights) and the leaves went back down. I think ur plants are just looking for more light try adding another powerful fluorescent light.
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