Letting the plant search for nutes


New Member
letting the plant dry out to a certain extent is key!
this enables the root system to grow strong and resiliant! soil only!
when the plant has to work for its food, it grows better, in my humble opinion and the 100s of tests ive accomplished prove it time and time again!
giving the plant what it needs to often makes the plant weak in certain areas. these areas dont matter much till the flowering phase.
feeding every other watering. stirring the top 1.5 to 2.0 inches is also very good for the plants root ball.
all growth depends on the ability of the root system to suck those neuts. up.
when i feed i usually have to water just a bit 12 hrs later! it loves the food. water takes a full 24 hrs. same amount to!
when the plant gets to be dry, the roots really work better. white as snow the roots are! a very healthy sign i demand out of my plants!
peace to all
im no expert but i do care and i do have fanominal results without using space age products.
quality is the key!
you cant get quality out if its not put in!
i never buy the most expensive anything out there. finding the middle of the road on some aspects of growing is also key to growing the plant with success!
success can be achieved by all!
this ones a boy, im collecting pollen for more seeds!

Re: letting the plant search for neuts.

i have some new pics on the new grow i started!
ya got to see them they are wonderful and growin with momentum!
Re: letting the plant search for neuts

Great info thanks for posting it. I wait kinda read the leaves; once they're starting to look wilted, not standing all perky, I water em. Seems to keep em happy and I'll try stirring up the top of the soil tomorrow before I water, makes sense. Happy growin.
Re: letting the plant search for neuts

have you ever tried to tell by the weight of the plant? waiting till they show visible signs of wilt is slowing the plants capabilities down. stress takes energy to fix and energy to fix problems takes from strengthing the plant. if its workin for you cool
no stress enviroment grows a more substantial plant!
yep yep!
Re: letting the plant search for neuts

Thanks 68Cam; Good point indeed. I like to let the roots dry out a bit between watering and the leaves always indicate what my plants need, the wilting would only be like an hour or so not longer than that. I did stir up the soil a bit as you suggested and will try the double watering 12 hours after my next feed to em.
By the way those are awesome looking plants you posted here~ I will be following your grows 3cheers mang.
Re: letting the plant search for neuts

thank you for the compliment, i just started again. looks like i still have some of it. if a few organic tricks up my sleeve with yrs of success behind my words.
have you ever bent the plant through the entire cycle, till the buds get to large. my plants go knuts with this process, i start at the seedling stage.
they usually get a slight curl to them as they are reaching to the light.
this is one of my first clues, i have never been let down by the weight though!
you could say its changed the way i grow. the flowering cycle everything slows to some extent, not as kaotic as the veg cycle. at times i feed then have to water that evening! each watering almost .5 gal. and when i feed its usually gone by late evening. right before lights out i rotate the plants. this is how i noticed they needed water.
you have to promise if you try any of this and have trouble to please ask me questions. id just die if you were to have problems.
only water if the plant is light in weight! it will drown the poor thing if not needed. the roots must be very healthy and white as the driven snow. ive some pics of roots that r healthy.
thanks for the comment! wait till i take some of the one flwring. its 2 weeks into it and cool. an auto flower i got from a guy in france
Re: letting the plant search for neuts

only if they tell you, by the weight of the container. not to much water. its ranked at something like the 83% reason growers loose their plants. mostly the newer growers. member the flower stage, things will slow to some extent
Re: letting the plant search for neuts

68 thanks bro, I read this before I started and my plants love me for it, I tent to water only when I see signs of the plant needing it, but I watch very close a couple times a day when its dry, same thing with feeding, and it has worked great for me! I also found that Jiffy seed starting mix is the bomb! I'm thinking about mixing a bag in with my soil mix to lighten it up, the plants I started in this stuff had monster roots for babies! I'll try and find the pic and post it
Re: letting the plant search for neuts

Here is a baby, we have these at a friends house, I had put a seed in an Ivy plant and forget about a month later after I had taken out all the other seeds I put in there this came up, I found it about a week after it popped nd it was very stretched out from being under a regular house lamp, I transplanted into Jiffy seed starter mix, I had great results before using it so I tried it again, this is after maybe a week and a half


and her bottom....don't be shy LOL

Re: letting the plant search for neuts

nice! how long has it grown to get here.
sorry for not answering, been busy with the outside garden thats kicken this year!!
no chemical food and ive only given them sugar water to this point. they have been dressed with 2 to 3 inches of an organic mix of what used to be a 4 part system. now im incorperating the mushroom compost along with chicken and turkey compost. ill have to find the new ratio th get what i want. each part contains its elements and different mixes and different stages r a must.
so hows the roots look! i live for the brightest roots i can fatham! im always astonished at how clean they look!!
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