Liberty Haze


New Member
So, I've seen a few people having grown this but not so many smoke reports etc. it looks excellent on paper but then so did new labour, obama care and the millenium dome so... yeah. Anyone here grown it? is it yum yum?

See, if i go for this strain, it's pretty expensive, so I'll also be wanting to do the Colloidal Silver thing on it, which will cost me two plants (if I've worked out how to do that properly), so that i can get a bunch of seeds for it so that if it is good i can keep growing it (without having to buy a pack, test it then buy more to make seeds)

Equanimity...I've got one coming due here in about a week. I started flush last week so as soon as it looks right I'm chopping it down. I had 3 plants (Critical Kush, Kushage & Liberty) Hermie on me. I think the Liberty was actually not a Hermie, but with the other two definite I was a little spooked and pulled it to save the rest.

I'll let you know soon..!
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