Medical Marijuana Entrepreneurs Aren't All For Legalizing Weed Via Prop. 19

so why have this prop?????
so we can grow, smoke and enjoy legal pot recreationally silly head. and also drastically reduce the risk of searches based on someone smelling weed or paraphernalia.

Why and how would arrests go up after 19? the same laws we have now for over 3 oz would still apply either way, except with 19 we could grow without worry of jail time. Medical laws will stay the same and remain untaxed under 19.

19s passage would also equal reduced health burden on the state from tobacco use, because many smokers would switch or cut back on their cig use.
My prediction is that it will pass.

I don't like the law for a lot of reasons, other people have pretty much covered that so no reason to beat the pros and cons over and over again. There are a lot more people than 52% that will vote on it, they are just paranoid or embarrased and don't voice their true opinion in the polls. However, that said, my next prediction is that the law will be repealed, or Obama will sue California like he did Arizona. Here is an exerpt from an article on the AZ case, and I am only changing AZ to CA, and immigration to marijuana/drugs.

The Justice Department filed suit Tuesday against California, charging that the state’s new marijuana law is unconstitutional and requesting a preliminary injunction to stop the legislation from taking effect.

The lawsuit says the law illegally intrudes on federal prerogatives, invoking as its main argument the legal doctrine of “preemption,” which is based on the Constitution’s supremacy clause and says that federal law trumps state statutes. The Justice Department argues that enforcing drug laws is a federal responsibility.

Many people on here are acting like having worries about legislature is somehow pathetic, or inferior. I frankly can't understand this ignorant stance on the issue.

If they don't sue California, they will increase Federal spending on drug enforcement in California, and step up federal presence as well. If you can't wrap your mind around either of those scenarios as a very real possibility, you need to spend more time researching how the Feds and local governments have been treating medical marijuana in California for the last deacade plus. Just because you are from California, doesn't mean you understand how things work here. Several people in this thread obviously have very real experience with how things are in California, and it shows.

My county's District Attorney and Sheriff have already been preaching about enforcing the penalties outlined in Prop 19 and preventing marijuana enterprise in the county if it passes. Among other things, they plan to be very strict about possesion and growing limits, as well as the minor aspect of the bill among other things. They already harass and arrest fully legal medical patients here, so why would that change?

There is a huge joint operation called Operation Cash Crop going on in Northern California right now involving the Internal Revenue Service, IRS Criminal Investigation; the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency; the California Department of Justice, Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement; the Nevada County Sheriff's Office; the Placer County Sheriff's Department; the El Dorado County Sheriff's Department and lastly the Mountain and Valley Marijuana Investigation Team, which I had never even heard of until the news of this operation surfaced recently.

The Feds have a very large presence in California. I really hope Prop 19 passes and we all sit around and hit a bong, and no one is ever arrested for weed again. But I seriously doubt that is going to happen. To me the law just opens up a new can of worms about how Obama and the Feds will deal with it.

I'll vote yes because I think its long over due and the right thing to do, but I'm not holding my breath for no more marijuana woes in California.
Sorry brother... you need to get your facts right... people are going to jail for having more than an oz in their posesion... with prop19 it will not change and may in fact go up as people are people and think that they have a right to do as they please. Also the fact that the prohibitionist will be in control they will be out in full force making sure people are fallowing the rules... so your statement is flawed.

Also the new law in effect decriminalizes oz. or less now... so why have this prop?????

Where do you get the OZ figure? No such line in PROP 19 spread more lies maybe you need to get you facts strait...THAT IS TO CARRY ON YOUR PERSON 1 OZ. You are allowed to keep what ever you grow in a 25sq ft area PLEASE READ THE DAMM PROP BEFORE YOU TALK OUT YOUR POOPER!

PROP 19 is in addition to PROP 215 why is that so difficult to understand.

100$ ticket is cool but nothing is better and let me ask you non medical peeps out there how much can you grow now if you don't have a doctors recommendation? What if you rent ? LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE 19 is a good thing.

Who can get elected president without California?

How hard will it be if the Feds come out to Cali and throw thousands of people in jail......not to mention look around We aren't the only ones it's coming!!!! If we can get through all the LIES YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE U DIRTLY LITTLE HAMPSTERS!
if the state makes it legal, legal, not mmj, and the states collect a single cent in recreational legal bud sales, or use, then it's going to have to protect the citizens from the goons. I believe prop 19 will pass, and I am curious to see how the feds are going to react.

I think the Dem's should embrace it and get the younger people to the voting booths and then the dems will have a mjority everywhere.
now, having said that, I am not a dem..or a republican...but, just saying
I think Prop. 19 is the crack in the dam and I am hoping the dam breaks and cannabis freedom floods the nation.
comparing prop 19 to the AZ's racist gestapo measure or the prop 8 hate measue is just plain ridiculous. prop 19 gives people their rights back, it does not attempt to restrict them like 8 or AZ did...
If I were a Californian, I would vote for Prop 19 just to watch the chaos if it passes.

But, I would continue to grow and smoke the same as I have for the last 40 years.
My facts are very correct. Less people will go to jail when prop 19 passes. Period. End of story. Anyone who thinks any different is just ill informed and making shit up.
You must be joking asking that question.
or just on the take from big phrama, tobbacco, alcohol biz or a owner of a team of "delivery" service drivers under the age of 21.
I believe prop 19 will pass, and I am curious to see how the feds are going to react.

I overheard some paranoid guy (or was that me?) that I call Fred muttering something about how it would probably spend some national prime-time on television making a speech about how this "new, revolutionary" line on cannabis has its possibilities, but instead of "forcing" it on the population, the decision would be to give CA cautious support in its "experiment" while taking a wait-and-see stance to see "if the experiment is a success or a failure."

And then quietly and clandestinely doing everything within its power to sabotage both this thing and the general population's perception of it, so that they can be perceived as being justified when they attempt to take Drastic Steps against this and all other legalization attempts.

Yep, Fred is slightly paranoid.
And fuck Obama too. He is just another pawn, just like Bush was. So far, Obama has done nothing more than walk in Bush's footsteps.

We are broke as a nation and will be for a while because of Bush and a few others. It didn't matter who was elected this would have not changed only we would have all been broke and out of work instead of only 20 percent had McCain been elected. Oh and at war with Iran so your solution here.......I'll wait.
We are broke as a nation and will be for a while because of Bush and a few others. It didn't matter who was elected this would have not changed only we would have all been broke and out of work instead of only 20 percent had McCain been elected. Oh and at war with Iran so your solution here.......I'll wait.

I agree Obama needs some better direction but MCcain fuck that I would have moved to Mexico. He could do Arizona a favor and go take a nap for ever he has to be one of the worst there is!!!! War hero maybe but still a douche bag!!
I think Prop. 19 is the crack in the dam and I am hoping the dam breaks and cannabis freedom floods the nation.
comparing prop 19 to the AZ's racist gestapo measure or the prop 8 hate measue is just plain ridiculous. prop 19 gives people their rights back, it does not attempt to restrict them like 8 or AZ did...
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