Medical Pot Patients May Doom Strict Smoking Ban

Truth Seeker

New Member
Medical marijuana users appear to be partly responsible for Santa Monica's decision to shelve a strict residential smoking ban aimed at secondhand smoke.

The measure passed 4-2 after a first reading two weeks ago.

But the City Council voted 4-2 against the law on Tuesday's final reading, citing concerns about its impact on medical marijuana users and condominium owners.

The original law prohibits smoking for new apartment and condominium dwellers and forces existing residents to designate their units as smoking areas. Those residents will lose the right to smoke at all in their homes if they fail register as designated smoking units.

Opponents argue that it violates their privacy.


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Author: The Associated Press
Contact: Contact Us - The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, California
Website: Medical pot patients may doom strict smoking ban - AP State Wire News - The Sacramento Bee
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