Medicating While Sick? (Cough)


New Member
so i have had a cough and like draining in my throat so i am constantly coughing been to the docs 2 times XD and i think this is a question a lot of people will ask and have asked but many people say different things

Should I keep smoking/vaping/eating Marjiuana while being sick?

Can smoking/vaping/eating Marjiuana while sick make you worse?

Does smoking/vaping/eating Marjiuana hinders with your immune system(immunosupressant)?

Keep posting more questions so they can be answered!!! More People want to know and i know i want to know!!!
Re: Medicating While Sick?(Cough)

I think any kinda smoke put in the lungs is gonna aggravate an already present cough but not eating mj, unless whatever the mj is in, hurts your throat when you swallow it. A Tablespoon of honey now and then helps sooth your throat; a cup of hot tea with honey and lemon, as much as you can stand in the tea, will help clear your lungs, imo way better than any doctor pills. As far as the immune system, I guess if your run down and not eating healthy, anything could hinder it. Get well soon.
Re: Medicating While Sick?(Cough)

well mj hasnt caused anyone to get lung cancer and the smoke you do inhale is good smoke it will not harm besides i use a water pipe/bong to filter out all the badness if there is any lol
I can only speak on behalf of edibles which have gotten me through some really bad bouts of the flu. Way better than Nyquil.
If you're sick, smoking will irritate your lungs much more than if you weren't. It will also likely slow down your recovery. Vaping will also irritate your lungs too even though it's much healthier. But eating on the other hand probably won't have much effect on your actual sickness.
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