Medicinal Marijuana Is Now The Biggest Cash Crop


New Member
Isn't it ironic that with a difficult economy, huge unemployment, and cutbacks in government services, that business is booming in the marijuana industry? It seems that by many experts, the marijuana business is estimated at around $45 billion to $120 billion a year. This seems to be a business that doesn't have a need for any government stimulus monies.

It is now estimated that the legal marijuana business is the largest growth industry in the United States. At over $14 billion a year, it is also considered the number one cash crop in the state of California. Those numbers will continue to grow as more states continue to approve medicinal marijuana use.

What is interesting is that this growth has happen in spite of the fragmented marijuana business model. The industry is made up of many growers and distributors who are not well organized. However, as more money seems to be pouring in, we are seeing developers coming in and positioning themselves to capitalize on the huge expansion that is the medicinal marijuana business.

These businesses will come in, streamline the fractured sectors of the medicinal marijuana business, and find the ways to maximize the efficiency and profitability. The medicinal marijuana business will see growth in management services, internet presence, financial services, and better lobbying and policymaking advisors.

NewsHawk: MedicalNeed: 420 MAGAZINE
Author: MBurnside
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