Mexico Legalizing Cannabis And....


New Member
I have heard rumors that mexico has legalized possession of certain drugs including our favorite (cannabis). Im wondering a few things, One is this rumor factual?, two when will it be in affect?, and last will this turn mexico into something like a "Amsterdam"?!!?!??! Please if u have any knowlegde on this post a reply or email me at thanks
Decriminalized is the word, unless they have truly made it legal. They decriminalized coke, herioin, shrooms, maybe speed too. This also happend like a month or two ago.
I know they were talking about it, but there was a big argument about it. They may not have passed it. I didn't hear anything else about it for a while. I don't think I'd move to Mexico even if they did pass something like that.
Wait, the United State bitched about it too much, so the president hasnt signed yet. It was basically in the news cause he said he would sign it tommoroww the day after the congress passed the bill, which was over a month ago on TV. Lol, i havent watched much news or been to mexico since then, so sorry for mis info. As of now the president sent the bill back to be "Revised" with not so many drugs on there i think lol--, there was legal allowment amounts of drugs i had never even heard of on the list for the Bill. They are having some re elections in june though, so it might come up again then....would kinda be cool to go to a cafe in mexico eh?
fox sent it back to congress and i watch the news everday down here and no one has said anything about it not even in the papers.
my guess is that even if if does pass, it would be stupid for a gringo to go down there and openly smoke pot. its not illegal to walk down the street there, but that dont stop the Federales from arresting you for it.
frosurfer420 said:
my guess is that even if if does pass, it would be stupid for a gringo to go down there and openly smoke pot. its not illegal to walk down the street there, but that dont stop the Federales from arresting you for it.




IT'S WORTH A TRY THOUGH...:cheesygrinsmiley:
Well, hope someone hears something about it soon...
Or maybe it was just killed stone dead...
lostinmx said:
fox sent it back to congress and i watch the news everday down here and no one has said anything about it not even in the papers.

Mr Lost, I believe you are correct. I watched the headlines for a week or so, the legislation going back and forth and then.. BAM.. no more talk, not even a whisper. :cheesygrinsmiley: :peace:
As Slimdog said....i dont think it actually passed yet...just a lot of talk, the U.S. was putting pressure on mexico not to sign because it would promote "drug Tourism"....havent heard anything else yet.:peace:
ive been here for five years with no problems, the police are cool, i give them five dollars a week and they keep a good eye on my house, they give me rides when they see me waiting for a taxi they offered me weed, they smoked with me, drank. well just say if you cool to them they are cool with you. they just want a little extra money. it kind of like buying your friends. but mexico city i would be scared to visit. mexico city with all the robbing the people and the murders gives mexico a black eye.
lostinmx, are u a gringo living down in mexico?? if so thats pretty cool, what u down there for, the surf???

i dont doubt that most of the cops are actually pretty cool, just trying to make a buck for their families. But i do believe they are more likely to hassle some kid from san diego who came across just to get stoned, than they are to hassle a guy like you who has taken the time to get to know them and be friends with them.
like people have said they were going to make small possession of almost any drug legal. then the U.S. gov talked a bunch of shit saying at a time where they're trying to resolve the border problem they're doing this which will increase drug flow into our country or having our teens going down there for the weekend for some fun. So U.S gov wasn't agreeing with it resulting in it getting thrown in the garbage.
frosufer Im just hanging out at the beach most days I retired, the dollar go alot father here, and i like the weather. as far a tj and the other border towns i dont visit to many gangs and people with no money trying to cross. to rought for me. the farther you go down the better it is, and the people are more laid back, and nice clear water. and better smoke
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