Migraines by Hiding behind the Leaf

Julie Gardener

New Member
Migraines by Hiding behind the Leaf​

I am a native a Californian Girl and am the ripe age of 35. I work as an Administrative Assistant for a nationally known agency. I am married to a wonderfully supportive man and have two children. I have been using marijuana for about 12+ years now. My main use is for the relief of migraines. I have suffered all of my adult life and most of my adolescent and teen years with these migraines. I have used Inderal, Imatrex, Amitrip., Mobic, Vioxx, various doctor prescribed pain relievers, fioricet, fenergan, and beta blockers (forgive any misspellings on the medical names). All these have various side effects, including possible bleeding of the veins and death.

I ask this.... how can opposition to marijuana for medical use be conceivable when the drugs that are legally and traditionally prescribed are worse on a person. The relief I receive, from just three draws on my marijuana cigarette, is two fold; it relaxes me therefore the pain is reduced so that I may sleep and the nausea brought on by the migraine is all but eliminated.

I have not applied for a prescription at this time. The controversy and the uncertainty of owning one detours me from pursuing the legal right. I can only hope that one day, soon, I will be able to do so for the sake of my health and well-being. I am truly sorry that these reasons also do not allow me to reveal my identity if this letter is used by your resource. I only hope that my voice is heard and maybe help not only me but also others to "come out of hiding".

Source: Comments and Observations
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