MMJ and airports


New Member
I have a medical card and live in the state of California. I will be traveling within the state, from LA to SF, by plane later this month. I plan on bringing some stash with me in my carryon, just enough for maybe a bowl or two. Since I have a card and am traveling within the state, I should be ok shouldn't I? I'll be packing it very carefully, so that it won't be noticeable.
Don't take marijuana on a plane even if you have a note from your doctor. Airplanes are under federal jurisdiction. YOu could be charged with some serious felonies. Can't you purchase pot in SF using your doctors note? If you don't have cash to purchase more pot just drive.
Or mail it to an address there ahead of schedule. And pick it up when you get there. May not be the best idea but it could work.
I fly 3-5 times per year and take it w/ me every time.
Never mone than 1/4 oz and have never had a problem...

4 years ago i flew to Italy for 10 day and brought some w/ me.
My bag was held up for some reason???

The next day in roma the airline called and said they would bring me my bag.
So the bag showed up and sure enough my dope was there!!!
Go thing because they were smoking some nasty shit on the Spanish Steps.

good luck.

PS there is something aout flying in cali w/ card and weed is ok???
do some checking.
Part of your travel plan should include going to a dispensary at or near your destination. Who knows? It might be the most interesting part of your trip. I don't fly much, but last year the Mrs. and I drove to Lake Tahoe and patronized a couple of dispensaries there. (One really sucked, they handled the medicine with their bare hands - yuck - dude, I don't know you or when you last washed your hands!!!). But the whole experience was interesting.
I did take some stash to Hawaii on my honeymoon...but that was 25 years ago.
P.S. Go to Harborside Health Center in Oakland! You'll be glad you did!
I have friends in SF & can get a heads up on a couple good dispensaries to hit, but I don't know if I would be willing to risk the flight based on non-factual information. Perhaps it would be best to contact TSA directly, via phone, or even by going in person to the airport before your flight, just to get all the facts straight first.

If it were me, however, I'd just hit the ATM before my flight & head straight to a dispensary when I hit the ground in SF & medicate prior to checking into your first flight.

GL & I hope you update on whatever happens.
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