MMJ Lawsuit Reviewing Scientific Evidence Reaches Federal Court

Give her the truth, from all aspects. She has to survive to thrive in this complex world. At her age, I was offered only two choices: "with us or against us"; Reefer Madness had infected my world. I had to buy books to learn options; libraries didn't do contemporary conflict well, and internet was decades into the future. My teenage rebellion nearly killed me, several times.
When your daughter knows when the teacher is talking bullshit, she must still nod and agree for a grade. Too, she must know why. Even to go online, she needs a solid 'center' to avoid pitfalls. Don't entrust PC schools to properly educate your children.
PC is political correctatood. Some schoolboards make the news because of bad attytood.

I remember when smoke breaks for teachers didn't use a bong. PC teachers quit smoking in '64, along with MDs. Luther Terry MD said...

Now they're smoking again, because kids will drive you crazy.
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