Mom Gives 7-Year-Old Medical Marijuana To Combat Chemo, Against Dad's Wishes

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A seven-year-old girl suffering from leukemia is one of Oregon's youngest medical marijuana patients.

Her mother says she gives her daughter marijuana pills to combat the effects of chemotherapy, but her father, who lives in North Dakota, worries about the effects of the drug on her brain development.

Mykayla Comstock was diagnosed with leukemia last spring. Her mother treats her with a gram of cannabis oil daily, The Oregonian reported.

Mykayla's mother credits the drug for the leukemia's remission. "As a mother, I am going to try anything before she can potentially fall on the other side," said Erin Purchase, 25, who with her boyfriend administers Mykayla's cannabis.

The girl says the drug helps her eat and sleep but also makes her feel "funny."

"It helps me eat and sleep," Mykayla said. "The chemotherapy makes you feel like you want to stay up all night long."

Mykayla's father, who is divorced from the girl's mother, was so disturbed by his daughter's marijuana use that he contacted child welfare officials, police and her oncologist. The father, Jesse Comstock, said his concerns were prompted by a visit with Mykayla in August.

"She was stoned out of her mind," said Comstock, 26. "All she wanted to do was lay on the bed and play video games."

Comstock, who works in a North Dakota oil field, pays child support to Purchase and covers Mykayla's health insurance. He said he observed strange behavior during an August visit and took Mykayla to a private lab, where technicians detected THC levels of an adult daily marijuana user.

Gladstone police contacted the girl's mother, examined Mykayla's medical marijuana paperwork, then told Comstock there was little they could do.

Comstock, who used pot in the past, said he doesn't object to people over 16 using medical marijuana. But he worries about his daughter's well-being and the potential for addiction.

"She's not terminally ill," Comstock said. "She is going to get over this, and with all this pot, they are going to hinder her brain growth.

"It's going to limit her options in life because of the decisions her mother has made for her," he added.

Oregon law requires no monitoring of a child's medical marijuana use by a pediatrician.

The law instead invests authority in parents to decide the dosage, frequency and manner of a child's marijuana consumption.

Many doctors worry about introducing a child to marijuana when they say other drugs can treat pain and nausea more effectively. Purchase believes marijuana heals, and credits the drug for curing her stepfather's skin cancer.

She herself is an Oregon medical marijuana patient, and her boyfriend is Mykayla's grower. She is so convinced of the drug's safety that she consumed it during the pregnancy and while breastfeeding her second child.

When her symptoms are especially bad, Mykayla's mother and her mother's boyfriend will feed her cannabis-infused food. She's had up to 1.2 grams of cannabis oil in 24 hours, the rough equivalent of smoking 10 joints.

Purchase said Mykayla's first oncologist called the marijuana use "inappropriate." She has not informed her new oncologist about the treatment.

With marijuana, Purchase said her daughter has been able to fight past the chemotherapy and return to a sense of normalcy.

"She's like she was before," her mother said. "She's a normal kid."


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Author: The Associated Press
Contact: Contact Us - NY Daily News
Website: Mom gives 7-year-old medical marijuana to combat chemo, against dad's wishes - NY Daily News
The mother is doing exactly what she should be doing. Cannabis is not going to stunt the child's growth, its going to help save her life. Its a hard thing to figure out dosing. Dr. Carter at the University of Washington has been doing research on dosing for quite a few years now. 1.2 grams isn't out of line. The worst effect will just that she will be able to sleep more which is good while she's having chemo. Ant effects are reversible after she beats the leukemia.
These are near and very dear friends to me ive known them for years and what theyre doing is absolutely amazing ive been around them for years and wish them luck daily. It's a crying shame that there are people out there that believe todays modern medicine is the only answer to a life threatening disease, the girl is being saved by the healing strength of cannabis and thats a good thing, it makes me sad to know there are people in this world that would rather see a sweet innocent 7 year old girl hooked up to machines sick and in pain than to have here take an extract that makes her feel like a normal little girl again.
I think the dad hasn't faced the facts yet. you the facts like leukemia is a terminal illness (he says she's not terminally ill)or that on chemo patients don't have a lot of energy and lay around a lot. He needs to be made aware this could be fatal and a dose or 2 of chemo
My advise to the father, who used Canabis himself, is do your homework. Canabis is an old proven natural substance that helps overcome side effects of chemo therapy in cancer patients. Age and size play a role in the dosage, but appr. 1 gram a day seems to be within limits. But . . . .there will be lots of comments of "do gooders" to the contrary, who actualy did not do their homework either, and just follow the "going trend". It's time to bring Matijuanna out into the open and accept it for what it is.
These are near and very dear friends to me ive known them for years and what theyre doing is absolutely amazing ive been around them for years and wish them luck daily. It's a crying shame that there are people out there that believe todays modern medicine is the only answer to a life threatening disease, the girl is being saved by the healing strength of cannabis and thats a good thing, it makes me sad to know there are people in this world that would rather see a sweet innocent 7 year old girl hooked up to machines sick and in pain than to have here take an extract that makes her feel like a normal little girl again.
Probably he is not educated about the herb. I can easily understand the guys concern because he's just like all the falsely indoctrinated population out there.

How can anyone not be concerned about the effects of any drug on his seven year old daughter? Compound that with the fact that the daughter is in the care of someone he's estranged from. Pretty heady stuff.

Education is the key for most people. Few people, once they discover the facts about cannabis and compare it to the alternatives, are going to be so fearful. Only a year ago I'd have been appalled at giving cannabis to a seven year old. Having since become more educated I'd probably use cannabis for my child for an appropriate condition -- even if I had to move to a state that permitted it.

Kudos to the Oregon police for keeping a cool head. Thanks to child services for not over-reacting. Looks like our world is becoming more sane after all.
MSM is getting a lot of mileage on this story. I'm glad to see Oregon authorities are handling this correctly. MSM wants to focus on fake research from the Reefer Madness section of the medical community who have no real experience or any real data that any effects cannabis does to a body is not recoverable. There are no known long term detrimental effects of cannabis. So far they haven't even found emphysema in even heavy smokers.
I love how it says the father had consumed weed but believes it's wrong if the kid is under 16. Something tells me 16 is the age at which he did it!:cheer:
""All she wanted to do was lay on the bed and play video games."

Shes a 7yo. What more would you expect anyways if she was w/o cancer?
I also believe the "other" pain methods ARE PROVEN addictive.

People arent alright with pot food but they are fine with a doctor giving their child oxycotin. Blows my mind. I dont think most even realize the pain med addiction sweeping across the country starting at our northern and southern borders. Mostly prescription meds.
Before marijuana was illegal parents would put a little kerosone in a drink for their kids to fight flu and sickness. So please stop making the least harmful substance look like the devil
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