My First Try All By Myself - Strawberry Diesel

ok First thing, Im counting the days from the time I switched the lights...

As for flushin , I did not use a bunch of stuff so im just waterin and have watered real heaver once and might do it one more time.. What do you think about that????

and for the last thing you said could you elaborate for me or am I just dumb???lol


If you have not noticed I cant spell and I realy don't carew and am not goin to slow down just to please typin Nazis ... All you have to do is sound it out if its spelled wrong and I promis you will get it!!!

THANXX EVERYONE and all the help and advice you coul;d give right now would be appreciated becauz im totally in the dark right now ,.... all I have is what ive read so thanx in advance!!!
also if your bored you could tell me how to or if I need to flush her out to... we have never done it with any of the others and they all tasted pretty damn good, but the guy who I have been helpin seen mine today and was impressed at how uch bud they had for bein so short and they are crazy sticky and stink to high heaven!!!!!!!!! Sorry I rant
SOON SOON SOON!!!!!! With the new snow today I don't think I can let her go to much longer but ill wait a day or 2 and see if its goin to hurt her, so if I do have to cut her down ill have some pre cut and pre dry pics up for ya!!!! I know I could let her go a few more days or a week even but I don't want it to get all shitty cuz it keeps getting really cold where my box is....
Got her all pinned dow so the middle can get some light and when they shut off that's it!!!!
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