My plants aren't looking good


New Member
Hey guys,

Im new here and need some help please.

Strain - Bag Seed
# of Plants - 4
Grow Type - Soil
Grow Stage - Vegetative
Bucket Size - 5 Gallon
Lights - (5) 20 Watt CFL
Nutrients - None used
Medium - General potting soil
PPM - ?
PH - ?
RH - ?
Room Square Footage - 10m x 10m
Pests - None Known

I first planted all my seeds in one big pot. They all (6 seeds) sprouted and and became seedlings. Upon further reading I realised I had to put them all in separate pots and so that is what I then did with 2 of the best looking plants. I think that's where the plants also took some strain from having to separate the roots and all of that.

The 1 plant seems "okayish" but the other plant looks terrible. I think I could be possibly underwatering the plants. I have used no nutes so far. Light cycle is 18/6.

I will include the pictures of the plants.
The 1st 2 pictures are of the bad plant the 3rd picture of the okay plant and a new seedling.





It definitely seems like I need to get myself better soil. Upon looking at it over and over it just looks like glorified wood. I can also see a "couple" roots starting to touch the sides of the plastic cups.

Please could anybody advise what im doing wrong? How could I save it? if I even could.
Re: My plants arent looking good

Thanks for the reply...

I was just using an all purpose potting soil. It doesn't have a brand name like MG or the others that you have available. I am not from America and not to sure I can get the same soil types here.

I think some were tangled and some weren't. To be honest I was maybe slightly rougher on them than I should have been. tipped the pot over and just tried to pull on them (sort of gently) and some snapped.

I don't have a test kit and would have to get one to check the soil/water.

I have no idea what the current temp is. Its a lounge area. I would assume around +-20*Celcius.
Re: My plants arent looking good

I wouldn't lose hope yet, most likely just stress on the roots causing it to look sickly. Give it a few days to see if she can recover. I was worried about ph because that's usually the cause of problems for beginners but since you had some root stress, that's most likely the cause. She should bounce back into a healthy plant.
Re: My plants arent looking good

I also think it has to do with the PH I will have to get a meter and check that. Its been about 2 weeks since I transplanted. Its progressively gotten worse and not better.

I will check PH.

Thanks again for the replies.
Re: My plants arent looking good

That does not look like potting soil at all, that is definitely bark mulch or some such used on top of soil in flowerbeds to keep weeds at a minimum.
Try getting some new soil, most of the soil should have particle sizes ranging between 0.5mm - 3mm.

Keep the watering down, you want the soil humid, not wet.

Have fun growing :)
Re: My plants arent looking good

It just said "Potting soil" obviously it's very bad. I will go to a more specialised shop and get proper soil this time. That comes from the hardware store. I think that's part of the problem aswell as it doesn't hold the water very well. In about a day or so a 100ml watering will be dry and I was leaving it for 3-4days at a time.

Thanks to all
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