Help - Unhealthy looking plant!

Frank White

New Member
I planted a dative seed close to a week ago in seedling soil and it sprouted beautifully but now it hasn't grown much in the past two days and it looks very thin and sickly. I loved it to a big pot so it's roots could grow without any interference and it's been getting plenty of sunlight and moisture. It looks as though it's dying but perhaps still saveable with the right advice.
. I'm not sure if you can tell in the picture but the leaves look quite withered. If you have any advice, please share.
I'd just like to thank you guys for replying, unfortunately though, my plant died over the weekend, no bringing her back now. Luckily I got the seed for free. I might buy some off Are there any specific strains you would recommend? I live in a pretty dry place once summer comes around, a typical day is 40 Celsius. I'll be growing indoors (I have a pet goat and I've heard too many stories from mates about how their goat got into their grow room and ate all 30 of their plants .). So any recommendations will be greatly appreciated!
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