My room grow set-up


New Member
Hey guys, I recently started my second growing, 3 babies from seeds I collected from my herm during the first growing. Check out my set-up, Heres a pic, it could be awesome if anybody gimme suggestions on improvement.

Re: My College dorm room grow set-up

I don't know how deep that area is but if it's deep enough I can't see why you couldn't get away with all three even, if you flowered right now. I'm not saying that I recommend it. But I don't see why it wouldn't work if you had enough light in there. Go down to home depot and buy your self a 150watt floro and put it in that reflector and I'm betting it would work out. Plus you are probably going to lose at least one to being male.

When they are flowered right away they never branch out so they won't mess with each others light and as long as that pot (or whatever it is) is at least 18" deep they shouldn't get root bound I don't think, small plants small root structure.
Re: My College dorm room grow set-up

thanks for the advice guys, but this is my SECOND time growing in this set-up. I had close to an ounce from first harvest of some really good shit from the first harvest, fall 2005 semester-
Re: My College dorm room grow set-up

it just seems odd as short as they are and being so full and pale. I think you could do much better on lighting than you are but you still haven't told us what kind of light you're using.

I gotta say I like the idea of flowering now but I would hold on to all plants until they show sex. Maybe put it closer to the light.

But definitely pu them in bigger pots soon
Re: My College dorm room grow set-up

He cant really put them in different pots. And he couldn't wait tell it shows sex the plant would be way to big for that area. He is going to have to flower early so it stays in his area. And by the looks it looks like he is using floral.
The Highkid. Keep up the good work those other pics look nice i didn't know it was that tall. Try to have the light like 2 inches away from the plants
Re: My College dorm room grow set-up

Why can't he transplant? It will stunt them seperating the roots but it can be done

I'm not trying to argue with you Black. I respect you're opinion

Oh cause of the flowering now suggestion. Did he already start 12/12?
Re: My College dorm room grow set-up

He can't transplant because do u see what he has the plant in? Its just the bottom of the grow box he cant put bigger separate pots in there. No room. You understand what I mean .(hopefully lol)
And no i think he still is in veg.
Re: My College dorm room grow set-up

Alright, yes I did start 12-12 today actually, and this is 3 weeks since germinating. My set-up is simple- i have a 45 watt overhead flourescent, and a 15 watt vertical florescent bulb. I will not lie, the leaves do seem kind of too thin and too pale, but they look plenty healthy, completely perfect sets. The paleness well maybe its a problem, but this is NL x Haze so light green is what I should expect. yes it would be sweet to increase my yield but as I see it, I will trim all 3 plants and just have three 4 foot high sticks of marijuana, hehe =)
Re: My College dorm room grow set-up

If you would flower now u don't have to clip. If you want a solid bud don't clip. I think they look damn fine nice and healthy. And if u flower now i would say they will end up about a foot bud. Give or take.
Re: My College dorm room grow set-up

sweet dude, i am glad at least somebody still has faith:smokin:
Re: My College dorm room grow set-up

Wow nodirtweeds has done a great job, yo can clearly see the thickness of th leaves and their dark color, and what looks like to be a stemful of weed. I def need to try that too. tell me how yours works out cracker.
Re: My College dorm room grow set-up

Thanks thk. It's really been very easy growing this way and think that I may do a half dozen plants like this in my next grow. Fairly quick and alot of bud for the amount of space taken.
Re: My College dorm room grow set-up

Cool, so yea i started flowering 3 weeks after germinating. I will definetly post some pics as soon as I see some sign of sex from either plant. The way I look at it, I just want my cabinet to be filled up with bud, so i guess will see how it works out.

Nodirtweed4me - did you do anything special to get your plant that way, or just clipping the fan leaves and branches at the nodes?
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