My take on Green Bastard's vert grow


New Member







How many plants are there? and wattage on your bulbs? ..all hps or some mh?

-At some time in my life I will try this too, A vertical grow, looks dandy.. :nomo:

Great shots man. I have done a couple vert stadium grows and man are they a blast. I haven't surrounded the bulb this way BUT it looks perfect for penetration. I think the only thing I would add would be a vertical light mover, odds are needs to be a diy job though lol
Great shots man. I have done a couple vert stadium grows and man are they a blast. I haven't surrounded the bulb this way BUT it looks perfect for penetration. I think the only thing I would add would be a vertical light mover, odds are needs to be a diy job though lol

I like that idea, can you give me more info on it? I do have it on a track from my light mover so as the plants grow i can adjust the light accordingly. I was wondering why more peeps don't do vert grows well now i know its a lot more effort. cheers bro!


The light mover plans look sweet. I would love to grow vertically as I feel any experience with similar gardens will be invaluable in the future, might be a way to feed the starving in areas without farmland. Great way to produce green meds in an apartment type setting. Unfortunately for myself I am restricted in numbers due to the laws here in Arizona so I am forced to grow trees.

I'm subbed and hoping your still going to update this grow?
Thanks for the interest, this grow is over and dry! pulled about 2.25+lbs.. with 1400W of hid. I've changed the set up to flat vert with three circles each having 400W's of hid only 22 plants this time, 3/4 of the way thru flower on this one... this is a mass perpetual grow, well for me anyway.

I'd like to see or hear anyone else hitting these numbers with the same watts in soil... not likely lol
My goal is to hit 3lbs with 1200w...
.89 g/w is good number, and I like your ambition. I have done and will again grow 8 plants around one bare vert bulb. I hit 1+g/w once, but the strain was only pretty... useless. One level one bulb, I need KISSes applied.

How did you collect the runoff when watering that coliseum stack? Will you rig drip emitters on a timer, next grow?
If you hand-watered all the way through, that grow owned and used you. At least you got a kiss :love:
Hey Gator! My flower room has a sealed floor with a drain to outside. These vert coliseum's are more work then normal growing, but the benefits are there for the taking. If you look at the pic of the cabinets without the plants you can see the drain holes on every level. I will always water by hand, just like i will never grow hydroponically, i live in a rural area and the power does go out from time to time. As far as owning me ha i don't think so... when i did water that grow the most that i watered was 6-9 plants in a day. Curious what you think of green bastards set up two coliseum's with 80 plants in each... all watered by hand! lol :peace:
If you haven't seen the pics here they are.. and yes two rooms= 160 plants all watered by hand. I don't think its preposterous.. i do agree it would be a shit load of work. Once he dialled his rooms, he was pullin 11-12 lbs from 4000W. ;)


Hand watering that pack-up is preposterous.
If you haven't seen this yet, Google "Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical" which is a classic. Mr Smith has a copy set-up here on 420, do a site search. Heath Robinson posted a tree grow here. If you can't manage a site search tell me and I will for you, and post links... but you can do it :)

BTW, offers some good deals this time of year. Their 'basic drip emitters' work lovely with a $20 aquarium pump on a single level. Multi lift levels are a bit more to engineer, but not much cost and needs to be done only once.
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