
How should children be treated in the war on drugs? That question is
the title of a three-way debate at the Marijuana Policy Project's
first-ever conference, to be held in Anaheim, California, on
November 8-10.

Mike Males, Ph.D., of the National Youth Rights Association advocates
that minors not be punished for using marijuana; in fact, he
criticized MPP's Nevada initiative for maintaining penalties for
minors. Ginger Katz, who sits on the advisory board of Partnership for
a Drug-Free America, will represent the prohibitionist side of the
debate. In the middle will be Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., a researcher-
activist who advocates harm reduction strategies for children who use

Our conference agenda now also includes panels on:

* DEA's war on medical marijuana patients in California
* law-enforcement officers speaking out for reform
* dissecting government propaganda
* millionaires and billionaires who are funding reform
* music and the drug war
* celebration of ballot initiative victory in Nevada?

The opening reception for this conference -- which is being co-hosted
by Students for Sensible Drug Policy -- will take place on November 7.

Please see Marijuana Policy Project | We Change Laws for everything you need to
know, including:

* Featured speakers include Dr. Joycelyn Elders, author Mike Gray,
producer Aaron Russo, and singer/actress Michelle Phillips.

* Conference registration is $175. Students with financial need can
register for less. This price includes admission to three days of
panels, lectures, and workshops, as well as two luncheons with
featured speakers.

* Our conference hotel -- the Hilton Anaheim -- has agreed to a
$115/night special rate, which is available from November 5-13.

* Southwest Airlines is offering a 10% discount on travel to our

* Because Monday, November 11, is a federal holiday, many of us will
be using the day after the conference to visit Disneyland, which
is one block from our conference hotel. If you order Disneyland
tickets at our Web site when you register for the conference, you
will get $9 off the regular admission price of $43.

* Display tables are only $300, and this includes a free conference
registration for one person.

Please visit Marijuana Policy Project | We Change Laws for details on all of the

We intentionally planned it so that the conference would be held right
after Election Day, in the hopes that the national news media would
attend. If the Nevada marijuana initiative passes on Election Day, you
can be sure that our conference will be mobbed with reporters and
activists alike.

We are limiting conference registrations to 1,000 -- probably 300
students and 700 non-students. If you want to join us for what will be
a moment in history, please visit Marijuana Policy Project | We Change Laws to
register today.

I hope to see you there!


Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.
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