Need CBD for Oral Cancer in Dallas, Texas


New Member
Searching for MD or CBD oil (?) for oral cancer tumor, living in Dallas. Was going to order from Colorado or others but hear they are diluting the oil now for more money? Need to know where to order it from TRUE source, have already been thru radiation and chemo and tumor is growing again. Been doing juicing, alternative methods, peroxide, DMSO, etc but looking at chemo again if I cant stop this tumor. HELP !
Hi cascio2 ,

You must be in a legal state to acquire Cannabis Oil legally.

However if you choose to take the matter into your own hands you can grow it and make it yourself. Here are some links that you may find helpful:

1. How to Grow Cannabis
2. How to Make Cannabis Oil Medicine
3. MMJ Listings of Dispensaries
4. Posting Guidelines about Hookups

Just a friendly reminder, our Posting Guidelines prohibit posts pertaining to the buying/selling/trading/swapping/testing/giving of seeds, clones, pollen, cannabis, hash, mail order Marijuana or any other substance or article. So please do not use our website for hookups of any kind.

Even though it may be legal in your state, it is still a federal crime and we do not want to be implicated in an illegal transaction.

I was not the person who asked but I am. I have a daughter suffering from seizures and understand this may help. Can you give me any advice?
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