Need Help to Lower my Soil's PH...Please Help!


New Member
I tried using a PH lower mixed in with the watering but it hasn't helped lower the PH at all. I'm worried that it will adversely affect my outcome unless I do something fast.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to lower the PH successfully, preferrably with an organic solution?

Thanks for the help!
Re: Need Help to Lower my Soil's PH...Please Help!!!

What is your current pH?
Re: Need Help to Lower my Soil's PH...Please Help!!!

well 7 is perfect ph but itd be better if it were a bit lower, 6.4-7
Re: Need Help to Lower my Soil's PH...Please Help!!!

To lower the PH use distilled white vinegar. To raise the PH use hydrated lime.
Re: Need Help to Lower my Soil's PH...Please Help!!!

I use dolomitic lime....... where i get it it comes in a granular form so i use a coffee bean grinder to turn it into a fine powder. I start the sprouts in a miracle grow potting soil mix and i always add an ample amount of dolomitic fine powder in with the potting mix (mix well and evenly). this will help assure stability in your soil mix if you get a little heavy handed with your nutrients. This does not mean you'll always attian a perfect ph level, so you need to monitor ph levels as you normally would. ph levels affect the root system, high or low ph levels will not allow the plant to take in water and the nutrients you're feeding them. it would be like someone stitching your mouth shut and then pouring your food and water over your head. you will starve. i suppose you knew much of this already. If you had a book titled 'Indoor Marijuana Horticulture' by Jorge Cervantes you would have alot of simple and meaningful info that would also apply to outdoor grows as well...... we assume all grows start indoors for a time of luck
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