need help!


New Member
my babies are not growing the leaves are turning yellow and drooping they are on the virge of death does anyone know if a water heater can be the problem?
Water heater? Why would that have to do with anything?

Make sure you are feeding them with a luke warm, nutrient solution, of no more than 350ppm. PH at 6.0. Make sure you are using a hood and humidity isnt crazy inside. Put your tray of babies with a hood on a heating mat on low. Check the temp of cubes next day. Should be warm! Not cold and not as warm as your touch. 75degrees?... If not, put mat on medium and check the next day, repeat if still not warm on the 3rd day to high. If hood has crazy humidity open vents, if humidity continues with vents completely open, wipe humidity out of hood daily or twice a day.

Hope this helps!
does anyone know anything about growing in a garage with a water heater already in it? i'm a pretty experienced grower but for some reason my new set up is at another location in a garage this is the second time my babies have died in just a matter of days! I've done everything possible to try and elimenate the problem I got a ph of 5.8 a drip system with filtered water using ro machine temp is between 72-80 degrees humidity between 40-and 50 I also have a 12 inch filter that is filtering the air which is next to the water heater and i am wondering if mabe I am sucking in toxic fumes into my grow room in which this can be causing my plants to die! has anyone grew in a similur location with a water heater?
No idea about the water heater but have u thought about ducting air from some where else. dryer duct and a computer fan should clear it up if it is the prob. if thats the only diff. from your last grows id say go with ur gut and take a shot. :goodluck:
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