need help


New Member
ok so i have these leaves with this orange kinda colored spots on them and i dont know what it is from can anyone help?
i mean more info like... nutrients, soil, current amount of light, age, where the spots are developing the plant (upper, middle, lower).

stuff like that.

to me, it looks like it might be a calcium deficency. which is easily fixable.

first you want to find the PH of your soil. and let us know how much of what you are feeding it.

it could also be burning, BUT, that normally starts on the edges, and has a different look in general.. but i have seen burn look pretty random sometimes, and closely replicate other potential problems. Im going to overlook that for now though, as it doesnt look like a burn i have seen before, apart from maybe light burn from water spots. but those are more tan, than rusty.
will either be calcium deficiency or rust fungal infection, hard to say for sure as my eyesight isnt what it used to be! loL check undersides of leaves too.. if you have infestation under there and look for dark teliospore masses building up(better with 20x loupe or magnifying glass).. this is a sure sign of rust infection, looking at your third picture i would almost certainly say a rust fungi infection

good luck!
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