Need Help!

Aussie Stoner

New Member
hey all stoners out there

i am from australia and it is 1 month till spring
i have planted soil and pots.....but they are 4 days old and havent sprouted........i added 5mls of a fetiliser(nitrosol) to one of my plants to see if that helped

I NEED HELP AND ADVICE......any help or advice would be appreciated
Bongerella, excellent method. I tried a smiliar one before with bagseed. All I did was get a small cup of water, and place a few seeds inside of it. I let them sit there, until they sprouted and sunk to the bottom. Once you have a sprout, just plant sprout down into soil, and wait : )
wouldnt add ANY fertilizer to your seeds. Save that for when it begins to flower. All it needs now is potting soil rich in NItrogen.

Aussie Stoner said:
hey all stoners out there

i am from australia and it is 1 month till spring
i have planted soil and pots.....but they are 4 days old and havent sprouted........i added 5mls of a fetiliser(nitrosol) to one of my plants to see if that helped

I NEED HELP AND ADVICE......any help or advice would be appreciated
Chill out man, it's totally normal if the seeds don't start poppin til after 4 or so days. exspecially if you got them in soil alredy, your not gonna see anything mabee til well after a week, just chill, don't start dumpin fertilizer on them. Man I found little plants growing where I have thrown aside seeds that didn't start and they turn out to be my best plants!

I always start my seeds on a big sponge that I set in a tub with always a bit of water with a cap of bleach(then I have no fungys growing) in the tub so the sponge is always moist, and the seeds sit on top of the sponge, and as they start to crack open I stick them in a little peat starter pod thingy. anyways. why did I explain that, oh yeagh, just wait on the seeds man, they will come.

good luck
so wat ur saying Robbie J is that if i leave them and only water once every 2 days they should be sprouted within a few more days???????
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