Need Input


New Member
As you can see the big plant leaves are developing yellow spots. The new leaves look ok, but some have very small yellow tips.

I'm using fox farm ocean soil. I tried to clone last photo. Except the one on the left is a real servivor. It was nearly dead then moved from hydro to soil and she's growing. I feel the ocean soil has nuts in it. I tried some grow big at a very diluted solution 1/16 to a gal and looks like some burn.

Here are pics;


Try flushing w/enough ph balanced water to fill you pot 2-3 times, then start to slowly add nutes. I think it was racefan that posted a pretty good article on flushing. Just do a search.
I was thinking about that. I forgot to mention that the plant was trans planted from a 6" to a 5gal pot three days ago. A friend recommended a compleat spraying of sm-90.
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