Need Some Help!


New Member
Alright so I have been token for 4 years. I love weed "it makes food better, it makes sex feel better and makes shitty movies funny" :) but it also allows me to think on another level and when im high most things just click, such as why people do things they do, life lessons, shit even pops into my head that is very enlightening that wouldn't even be on my mind. But my problem is in the past 3-4 months I have been getting highs that are not the same some are good but 70% of the time I smoke I trip about everything and think im way to high, i get cloudy vision and shit just gets fucked up. I dont like it but i love the green so any suggestions comments would be great.:peace:
maybe the green your smoking is too high quality for you......try smoking some schwag lol

lol, its true. not to be rude or anything, but quality sensi does get people obliterated when theyre not as used to it as a mid grade. lol my buddy went blind once :O said everything went to t.v. static.

maybe take baby hits.. and lets the high platueau like Capt Newport said.

basically get your tolerance higher. or smoke less :]
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