Negative effects when smoking?


New Member
Hi all,

After reading the real research and realizing how :adore: marijuana is, and that I'd fallen for a bunch of propaganda all these years (well, after my teenage years anyway...*cough*), I talked to my sister and asked if she'd consider partaking to help with her health issues. She replied that she had tried when she was younger, but that she experienced some negative symptoms that led her to believe she was actually allergic to it...sneezing, cold-like symptoms, having a hard time breathing after even smoking the smallest amount. Now, I will follow that up by saying that she *does* have asthma and has allergies to several other things, but does any of this sound familiar to anyone? Is there anything else she can try that wouldn't affect her like that? Any explanation for those symptoms? She'd love to avail herself of the herb, but wouldn't try smoking again. Do you think a vaporizer might do the trick? Or tea/cookies/etc? Or is it possible that she's actually allergic? Would seem like such a shame.. :(
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