New Corporate 420 Magazine HEADQuarters!


i've brought onboard a partner/investor and we are seeking leased office space with storefront in the hollywood / west hollywood area...

if you can lend a hand in this search, we would be MOST grateful.
it has begun.
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

not planning to take over the world, but i do intend to lead a very powerful, positive force in los angeles, spreading like an educational virus to the rest of the planet...;)
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

Damn to bad you're not taking over the world I think I would have liked to have ruled England or somethnig like that... oh well I guess I'll just have to settle for educating million of people about the benifits of cannabis.
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

Best of luck. If you did accidentally take over the world I don't mind. Just return it to the proper owners once you get it.
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

good luck on your search. What do you plan on selling or are you just offering services?
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

president, yeah right...:laughtwo:

i use up my 24 hours and 20 minutes a day with cannabis issues...
there just isn't enough room in my brain for other topics...
i don't remember the last time i saw the regular news...

cannabis is my message...
nothing more.
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

it's going to be the headquarters for 420 Magazine and 420 Girls and 420 Gear and Hollywood NORML... we will have a storefront to sell 420 Gear, 420 Girl merchandise, 420 Magazine and memorabilia... we'll have Hemp clothing and tons of accessories... we will accept donations for NORML... we want to sell glass as well, but will find out more about the logistics of that as the days go by... one day at a time... once this office is in place, it's time to change these laws... we're already starting talks with large 420 related events to get booths and start promoting... all i needed was to get settled into the heart of my industry... and hook up with some dough... the east coast was a waste of time... have no fear east coasters, we'll bring the education to everyone that needs it... by next election, we hope to bring victory.
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

because everyone over there thought i was crazy and nobody lifted a finger to help, here, everywhere i go, people ask to be involved... it's SO much easier organizing the team to execute this mission from the west coast... everyone in my industry is here... i tried doing it online, but wasted way too much time... you can't really feel people out from an email... i need a real live staff in person to do this right...
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

good luck!!!!!!!!!!
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

Wow I'm really excieted for this. I would love to see some nice 420times glasswear but might advise agienst it 420. I have seen alot of co-ops stop carrying glass wear for saftey reason but that may because its blatantly mariajuana paraphernalia.
I think you made a good call about coming to the west coast. It is deffinently the front lines of the movment in the United States.

420 said:
it's going to be the headquarters for 420 Times Magazine and 420 Girls and 420 Gear and Hollywood NORML... we will have a storefront to sell 420 Gear, 420 Girl merchandise, 420 Times Magazine and memorabilia... we'll have Hemp clothing and tons of accessories... we want to sell glass as well, but will find out more about the logistics of that as the days go by... one day at a time... once this office is in place, it's time to change these laws... we're already starting talks with large 420 related events to get booths and start promoting... all i needed was to get settled into the heart of my industry... and hook up with some dough... the east coast was a waste of time... have no fear east coasters, we'll bring the education to everyone that needs it... by next election, we hope to bring victory.
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

Andrew you should start organizing groups in you're area to try and get Medical marijuana laws in NY. Try and get people to vote thats probobly one of the biggest thing anyone can do.
Lets all keep out figures crossed for Nevada which may be the first state to legalize and regulate marijauana sells and use.

andrew199@fro said:
That kinda sucks,being from the east coast and all.Its sad that you could not find believers/staff on the eastcoast.I do believe the west coast is alot futher along on the road to decrimanalization.If you ever have a change of heart about the east coast I for one would love to see medical mj in New york and would personaly do everything in my abilties to make it happen.Any ways, wish you all the luck:headbanger:
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

Really excited about all of this bro. Moving down to Cali is probably the best move you could of made.. It's all FINALY gonna pay off dude, I just know it. ;)
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

This is the beginning of the end for prohibition, you guys watch.
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

Will deffinitly stop by and check it out, good luck bro.
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

Awsome, sounds like a great plan. If ya do i'll b making a trip to the West Coast to see it.:allgood:
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

Love the new name dude, good luck organizing on the west coast, it does seem to be a bit ahead of the curve on legalization. we got a bill here in ohio that's stuck in comittee. After this election shake up, we'll get 'em moving.
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

well lemme be the first to contribute, i want a subscription, and one of them 420 girls lol. how much? hahaha hey when you do take over cali, move to oregon next, its the next state come on lol.
Re: New Corporate 420 Times HEADQuarters!

We are still working on some projects on this end for you also. Hope I have them ready when you are. Good Luck Bro!

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