new one for me


Well-Known Member
but, I know that there is nothing new under the sun, so I'm sure someone has knowledge on this subject. The subject is .. bugs. And the specific bug is ... ants.

I have never had ants in my indoor garden before. It doesn't look like they are doing any damage. Doesn't appear that they are eating anything. There is no 'lines' of them - they just look like they're hanging out. Kind of wandering around, saying hi to each other. No nest that I can find. Weird.

Maybe just coming in for the warmth (can't blame them there).

The garden gnome that lives in there is kind of complaining, but, I don't really care. He's a freeloader; just lays around and sleeps all day. But, wadda ya'll think? Should I do something to get rid of the ants?

~ Auggie ~
Re: ... new one for me ....

i would get rid of them.

simply drawing a line around your pots, and perimeter of the room, as well as wherever they may be coming in with baking soda, chalk, or ant poison if it permits is a simple solution.
Well, I been fighting them for two weeks now. Have them under control, but they're still there.
I don't get it - - I've never had ants before. And I don't use organics with all their sugars and proteins and stuff that multi legged critters like to eat.
I don't see any damage.
It's not all that cold here either - 50F at night, 65F daytime.

~ Auggie ~
I'm still fighting them buddy. I've never seen anything like this before. I tipped a plant out of a 3 inch pot the other day just to check on roots and ... it was FACKING loaded with ants. They ran up my arm and scattered. The dirt was alive with ants.
No sign of them outside. My wife was laughing at me; said it looked like I was doing a "happy dance with some baseball signals thrown in - wish I had my camera handy."
And the plant looked good. No complaints. Healthy plant.

Yea, I have been gone nuclear on these little fucks for weeks now. They just move to another spot.

They kind of like ISIS. I am slowly beating them back, but when I wipe out one nest - they just move the another location.
At least they not hurting my plants, that I can tell.

About the time you figured you seen it all ...

~ Auggie ~

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