New UK Grower Arrives

Isle of Skye

420 Member
Hi Guys, just a quick hello to someone who has fed off the information, tips and tricks contained within these hallowed halls and thought it high time I got a little better involved.
Have had a few successful grows and currently in the process of doing a custom room build which should be operational within the next few weeks.
Below are a couple of pictures of what I managed to produce in a little 1.2 x 1.2 tent not long ago....
Welcome to 420 magazine Isle of Skye
Great grow, we’d like to see how you did it !
Be happy to follow your grow along with others !
Let us know when you start that journal!
Thank you West Hippie and AngryBird.....
Grow was DWC with Bubbles..... Bubbleponics as some call it.... GHE Flora Trio at hugely reduced amounts from GHE dosage. Viperspectra LED
The next grow will be done the same way but on a slightly grander scale and a little bit more automation for Temp and Humidity control. All will be revealed in the Journal when I get it started....
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