

You sure came to the right place!

Welcome to 420, The BESTEST Cannabis site in the entire world!:yahoo:

This site is very dedicated to Education, Awareness and Legalization of our precious herb! :yummy:
The more time you spend reading here, :reading420magazine: the more you will appreciate the time and effort that has gone into this site.

The Volunteer Hospitality Team here is awesome. :bravo: I hope you check out the links under their signatures, they are very helpful links for new members.

I bet you've already figured out that there is a Home Forum Page. a FORUM is a group of THREADS pertaining to a particualr subject, the Threads are divided into indiviudal POSTS.
( I wish someone had told me that when I first joined, but I'm a stoner. I get lost in my living room sometimes) :goof:
Hello and :welcome:
Do say more my friend... :yahoo:
We are here for you.
What are you growing?
Soil or Hydro?
Any Questions?
You came to the right place, 420 is loaded with great, helpful members and growers to help you grow killer Buds.
Ask your questions do not be shy.
Looking for anything? Information? Something on 420 you don't understand? Just Shout!
Waiting to hear more from you in the forums..Ok?
See you there. :roorrip: :peace:
Happy Growing and the Very best of Luck. :thumb:
Hi smoker1, :welcome: to the 420Magazine forums. :welcome:
Glad you joined us. You'll recieve all the help you need with your grow. :goodluck:
Start a journal and the help will come! :grinjoint:
If you need site help or have a question, contact a member of the Hospitality Team. We are like the cops, we serve and protect! :rofl:
Ok, don't be shy and I'll see you around the forums. :peace:
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