newbie help

That's great news man! Just keep the PH at 5.8 for every watering/feeding and she should do just fine.

You might have a slight calcium deficiency showing in those new pictures, do you have CalMag on hand to supplement? Coco tends to absorb more calcium than anything else, so supplementing additional Calcium and Magnesium (comes in one bottle) is suggested.

If you scroll down a bit on this page, you'll see an example of a Calcium deficiency: Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial
Dutty and Cannabelle hit the nail on the head the only thing I would add is where did you get the coco, did you rinse and check the runoff for ppms.

I bought cheap coco once and I rinsed it as recommended because cheap coco can contain a shit ton of sea salt, I rinsed a block that had over 850 ppms of salt and it took three good rinsing's to get the salt out or down to 64 ppms

So if it is cheap coco, I would not let it dry out before flushing and checking the PPM's, if you let it dry with a high salt content the roots may dry right out.

This is just precautionary "IF" it is cheap coco and has high salt content. This will be a must before continuing forward.
those leaves with the brown spots? they became like that during its poorly time. the darker healthier green is rising gradually up the plant.

The coco came from they guy who supplied the cutting and would presume hes using the same batch on his own. I'll check that though.
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