Only Race That Remains Undecided Is Medical Marijuana Proposition


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PHOENIX — The only race that remains undecided is proposition 203 and there are still thousands of ballots left to be counted.

Prop 203 would legalize medical marijuana use in Arizona.

Some voters were being told to go back to the polls if they wanted their vote counted Friday night.

Dozens of workers at the Maricopa County Recorder's Office are processing early ballots while the fate of proposition 203 still hangs in the balance.

Nearly 1.4 million people in Arizona cast ballots either for or against medical marijuana.

The initiative was failing by 5,200 votes Friday night but there were still close to 220,000 ballots that needed to be processed and counted.

Among the ballots that remain to be counted are the conditional provisional ballots.

Those who cast provisional ballots are now being asked to go back with the proper paperwork in order for their vote to count.

A recount is triggered automatically in this case if the difference between the yes's and no's is 200 votes or fewer.

Sen. Russell Pearce says, "This is about getting stoned and high and smoking dope. Nothing else. We are very confident that we will be able to demonstrate to the legislature and the regulatory authorities that this industry can be handled in a well-regulated manner. "

If you cast a conditional provisional ballot you have until Tuesday to tale in your identification and any required paperwork to the county recorder's office to have your vote count.

NewsHawk: MedicalNeed:420 MAGAZINE
Author: Alicia E. Barrón
Contact: Phoenix News | Arizona News | | Contact azfamily
Copyright: 2009-2010 KTVK, Inc.
Website:Only race that remains undecided is medical marijuana proposition | Phoenix News | Arizona News | | Arizona News
A recount is triggered automatically in this case if the difference between the yes's and no's is 200 votes or fewer.

So there's a permissible margin of error in the actual vote count? When did voting turn into horse shoes?
Most voting setups that I've voted in or read about had such a recount rule for ultra-close results.
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