Oral Pot Preparation Effective For Depression, Journal Reports


New Member
June 26, 2008 - Vienna, Austria

Vienna, Austria: Oral administration of synthetic THC capsules (dronabinol) mitigates symptoms of depression in patients seeking clinical treatment, according to a pair of case studies published in the June issue of Cannabinoids, the journal of the International Association for Cannabis as Medicine (IACM, Germany). A general practitioner in Vienna, Austria reported two cases of patients using dronabinol to improve depression and a sense of feeling overwhelmed. For the first patient, a 48-year-old female, dronabinol administered up to four times daily relieved the severity and frequency of her chronic depression and improved her quality of life. For the second patient, a 22-year-old female, daily administration of up to 10mg of dronabinol was associated with a "significant improvement of her depressive condition."

Overall, the author reported that 80 percent of the patients he had treated with dronabinol between 2003 and 2006 had experienced a "swift improvement" with oral cannabinoids. "The presented observations suggest that dronabinol has an antidepressive potential that can readily be used in medical practice," the author concluded. "To date no clinical studies have studied primarily the effectiveness of cannabinoids for the treatment of depression. In my opinion, such studies are desirable and promising."

Oral Pot Preparation Effective For Depression, Journal Reports - NORML
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