Outdoor already show sign of budding?


New Member
June and it looks like my plant is in it's second week of flowering.......
I had it under a MH 400W 24/7 for about 2 months then moved it outside.
Will it go back to veg after it gets used to the 16+ hours of sunlight?
This probably set the growth back a month, eh?
Thanks for any input. :allgood:
Re: Outdoor already show sign of budding???

I would have tryed to bud it inside. Doing it outside is risky. Unless there is a situation out of your control that keeps you from having your babys inside. I had to go through some crazy shit when i had some plants in my closet. I had to get rid of them asap. There is nothing more sad than to grow your plants and have them be so important to you and you care for them from just a wee seed, and to have to destroy them because of the bullshit laws against a harmless plant.
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