Plant Problem Chart


New Member

Always check the overall enviromental conditions prior to passing judgment - soil aroung 7 pH or slightly less - plenty of water, light, fresh air, loose soil, no water standing in pools


Larger leaves turning yellow smaller leaves still green.
Nitrogen dificiency
add nitrate of soda or organic fertilizer.

Older leaves will curl at edges, turn dark, possibaly with a purple cast.
Phosphorsus dificiency
add commercial phosphate.

Mature leaves develop a yellowish cast to least veinal areas.
Magnesium dificiency
add commercial fertilizer with a magnesium content.

Mature leaves turn yellow and then become spotted with edge areas turning dark grey.
Potassium dificiency
add muriate of potash.

Cracked stems, no healthy support tissue
Boron dificiency
add any plant food containing boron.

Small wrinkled leaves with yelloish vein systems.
Zinc dificiency
add commercial plant food containing zinc.

Young leaves become deformed, possibaly yellowing.
Molybedum dificiency
use any plant food with a bit of molydbenum in it.
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