possible deficiency in flower?


420 Member
I'm new to growing and need some help figuring this one out, I'm growing blue dream 2 mothers 2 clones. my 2 clones are doing amazing no issues at all but somethings up with my two original plants.
humidity is at 46 and temp at 77, one my biggest mothers there's a deficiency getting worse very fast. I noticed a couple of the same leaves on my other smaller mother but nothing new in the past day. but with just one day my biggest mother is being hit hard. the leaves are a pale green (doesn't look as bad in pictures compared to the eye) with dark brow almost greyish burns. staring at the tips and eating down the leaf's. starts at the bottom and going up; also if i where to just move a infected leaf just in the slightest it will brake off from the base with ease. i been feed roots organic bloom dry amend once a week and recharge once maybe sometimes twice a week and make a fungal compost tea once a week, i cut out my roots organic foundation (contans lots of N) due to compost tea. and always feed 1teaspoon organic cal mag with every water.

my compost tea is
1cup wormcasting
5tbs molasses
5tbs kelp meal
2/3 nitro bat guano
1 teaspoon a gal of micro charge by roots

thanks for the help!


(from my most effected mother)
First pic looks like normal few leaves die like that all the time. and second looks normal plant. If it came from same plant. Don't worries cut bad leaves off and keep going. Normal some leaves die off at bottom of the plant.. plus you will see yellowing or something else beside dry. Could be anything. Heat water chemicals. Or plain normal growth.
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