Practical Joke


New Member
I like to play practical jokes.
Not ones that hurt or demean anyone, just taking the opportunity if it presents itself.
This happened back in the late 70's.
I had a g/f lets call her Suzie and she shared a house with another girl.
1 day Suzie shows me this MJ plant her roomie had growing in the back yard. It was in a standard planter (the kind house plants come in) and about 6" tall and skinny.
It just so happened I had a bunch of plants at home waiting to go out in the woods. They ranged from 8"--12" tall, nice & bushy. They were in the same kind of planters.
Opportunity for a practical joke here buddy.
I ask her to tell her roomie that I grow pot too and I have this special secret kind of fertilizer I got from an indian shaman. I tell her to ask her g/r if she'd like some.
She does and her g'f says hell yeah. So I gave her a tiny amt. of some regular powdered fert.
Her g/f waters her plant with it.
The next day I go over before her g/f got home and switch one of my 9" tall plants for her 6" plant.
Her roomie gets home and she goes out to check her plant and says DAMN!
She comes in to tell us how big her plant grew overnight.
I give her another small pich and tell her to use it and mention that I'm almost out and I gotta get ahold of the shaman and get some more.
The next day I switch the 9" plant with a 12" plant.
Now the roomie is stunned. She asks for some more and I tell her I'm still waiting to hear back from the shaman.
The next day i tell her I found out the shaman died. They would be no more magic fertilizer.
The next day I switched the 12" plant back with the 9" one, and the day after that I put her original plant back.
She was dissappointed but no harm/no foul.
We never told her.
Haha.. Ranger you live the life man.

I only hope I can be half as cool as you.

Thanks for the good morning laugh. Starts my day off right ya' know? ;)


You should have just switched the 12" one with the 6".

It'd be crazy to see your plant shrink 6". lol:laughtwo:
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