Proper Germination

I seem to be having great success with paper towel method.

Dampen the paper towel do not soak.

Place seeds on damp paper towel.

Fold up

Place in small plastic tupperware container.

Set on top of my T5 light fixture. Its warm not hot to the touch.

In 24-36 hours have 1/4 inch sprouts

I seem to be having great success with paper towel method.

Dampen the paper towel do not soak.

Place seeds on damp paper towel.

Fold up

Place in small plastic tupperware container.

Set on top of my T5 light fixture. Its warm not hot to the touch.

In 24-36 hours have 1/4 inch sprouts

it worked for me
Hello km here's some info i hope this helps you.
cannabis seeds grow best at 78 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius) low temperatures delay germination. High temperatures upset chemistry causing poor germination. i agree with mcbudz the paper towel method is very good after the seeds have sprouted use some tweezers to very carefully move them in to your growing media point the tap root down.
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