Rangers recover marijuana load


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Amistad National Park Service rangers recovered more than 400 pounds of marijuana packed into seven duffel bags was recently.

Dennis Anderson, the ANRA’s law enforcement specialist, said Friday that rangers on May 27 recovered the marijuana while working in the rock quarry area in a group campground in the park across from the U.S. Highway 90 bridge over Lake Amistad.

“One of our rangers observed a man in the campground area near the 90 West Bridge. The ranger saw the man pick up a large, camouflage duffel bag, and he called for backup,” Anderson said.

“The two rangers then entered the area where the subject had been seen,” Anderson said.

Anderson said when the rangers entered the area, the man seen earlier and a second man “started running away, jumped into the lake and swam across a shallow cove.”

The two were last seen heading for the Guajia Bay area of the lake, Anderson said.

In the area from which the two men had run, rangers recovered seven duffel bags containing a total of 447 pounds of marijuana.

Anderson said each of the duffels contained numerous “bricks” of marijuana tightly wrapped in plastic for shipment.

Joining the rangers in the search for the two men who had fled the scene were Border Patrol agents, Val Verde County Sheriff’s Office deputies, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department wardens and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents.

But the two men eluded capture.

Anderson said the search for the two men was called off because a severe thunderstorm that passed over that area of the county.

“No one wanted to get hit by lightning,” Anderson said.

“The drugs and the investigation was subsequently turned over to ICE,” Anderson said.

The ANRA’s law enforcement specialist said he appreciated the speedy response to the call for help from the two rangers.

“The Parks and Wildlife people, especially, got out there real quick,” Anderson said.

The seizure of the 447 pounds of marijuana brings the total amount of marijuana recovered by ANRA rangers so far this year to 895 pounds.

In January, rangers at the ANRA’s San Pedro Campground recovered five black duffel bags containing a total of 448 pounds of marijuana and arrested one person.

In 2005, a total of 3,900 pounds of marijuana was recovered inside the ANRA’s boundaries, and during 2004, a total of 2,837 pounds of marijuana was recovered inside the park.

NewsHawk: BluntKilla - 420Times.com
Pub Date: June 4, 2006
Source: Del Rio News-Herald
Copyright: 2006 Del Rio News-Herald
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