Reference Gallery


New Member
In a few threads lately, I've uploaded photos that I know I obtained here in the past but either didn't bookmark, or have lost them. I uploaded them to answer questions for things like PH and FIMM'ing, which are easiest to explain with included AV aids.

Rather than feeling a bit guilty at making duplicates on the 420 infrastructure (a bajillioin 15k photos adds up :X )
I was wondering if there was a reference gallery that I'm not seeing? Or would a collection of commonly used accurate images be worth the time to create?

It seems like a lot to ask to house three photos or even a dozen (the three that come to my new grower mind are fimm vs topping, ph chart and lst diagram), but someone posted a very useful RH chart that I'd never heard of before, and I thought I'd done pretty decent homework the last year. And knowing first hand what duplicates can do in a system, they're worse than rabbits.

If I'm missing it, can someone kindly point the way? ^^ If it doesn't exist, is this worth considering from a system standpoint?
Yes I did the same, but I'm too la, too busy to go digging through tons of threads trying to find a link to a picture that's been uploaded already, then re-uploading it to use it in a reply to a post. It just makes things a bit of a mess. Uploading photos is using 420's gear and if there's a easy way to mitigate that some how while making it easier for new people to find graphics and charts easier, that's two birds with one stone yeah?
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