Same thing, different day


420 Member
OK, clearly we all smoke pot. With that being said, I have the same damn situation as a lot of people that have come here seeking advice...pre-employment drug test.

I have already received the offer--accepted and will have a drug test next Tue.

I'm a regular smoker. I have been for years. Although I weigh only (female) 120 lbs and have 0.5% body fat @ 5'2", I do not trust dilution method at this point and would rather go the sub route.

I attempted to go the sub route for a job last June. I used a cylinder type bottle and inserted inside like a tampon to insure correct body temp. The only problem was...I did not have enough of the clean piss with me. Yeah, I kicked myself in the ass and def was depressed and smoked so much that weekend to get over my foolishness. But to my defense it had been over 10 yrs since I last took a test and could not remember how much they lab needed.

So of course the test came back positive and I was pulled from that position.

My question today is: What is Non-SAMHSA / Non- Federal testing? I have done some research online and can not find a clear answer. Does that mean that my test will be supervised??

:thanks: in advance...
Re: Same thing...different day..

No one is ever allowed to watch you pee unless its either a court ordered test or you give them reasonable suspicion that you are cheating. The Non-SAMHSA / Non- Federal testing I suspect just means they don't follow federal protocols which means you should get some synthetic urine that has uric acid. QuickFix has a canadian version that you can buy that passes these tests. You normally only need 2 ounces but occasionally they ask for 3 ounces. QuickFix has a 3 ounce version.
With synthetic you can practice with keeping the temp right all you want. Just keep it out of sunlight. I usually just store in my crotch inside my underwear after nuking it for 10 seconds and the temp will stay within range for a couple of hours, but experiment to make sure you get it right.
If the temp is a little low when you pour it into the collection cup just rub your thumb against your clothes for a couple of seconds and then hold it against the temp strip on the collection cup. When it reads 98 or 99 step out of the restroom and hand it to the tech.
Re: Same thing...different day..

No one is ever allowed to watch you pee unless its either a court ordered test or you give them reasonable suspicion that you are cheating. The Non-SAMHSA / Non- Federal testing I suspect just means they don't follow federal protocols which means you should get some synthetic urine that has uric acid. QuickFix has a canadian version that you can buy that passes these tests. You normally only need 2 ounces but occasionally they ask for 3 ounces. QuickFix has a 3 ounce version.
With synthetic you can practice with keeping the temp right all you want. Just keep it out of sunlight. I usually just store in my crotch inside my underwear after nuking it for 10 seconds and the temp will stay within range for a couple of hours, but experiment to make sure you get it right.
If the temp is a little low when you pour it into the collection cup just rub your thumb against your clothes for a couple of seconds and then hold it against the temp strip on the collection cup. When it reads 98 or 99 step out of the restroom and hand it to the tech.[/


Thanks for the reply!
I dnt have the tme to order or track down synthetic urine. I do however have a clean friend and will be picking up the 'sub' from her tonight. That is my only option at this point.I have my container ready to go and I feel pretty good but still so very anxious! Lol
Re: Same thing...different day..

Welp, test was today and everything was going well until the tech stayed in the bathroom with me. I pretended as if I had the shy bladder syndrome and was told to drink more water while I wait in the reception area. I sat in the reception area and planned how I would twist off my cap and produce clean urine. I finally felt confident that the tech was naive and that I would be able to pull it off. NOPE! It was very awkward to say the least. I pretended as though I needed water running in order for me to produce a sample and the tech directed me to another bathroom.

Everything was good until another tech came along and chewed her out for doing that. I was then told to wait in the reception area and drink more water. UGH!

I waited another 20 minutes and 4 more cups later I went back to reception desk to let them know I was ready. Sure thing I was told. They kept me waiting another 35 minutes and by this time my bladder was about to burst! I had to unleash my belt, and unbutton my pants to keep from peeing on myself....I went bck to the reception desk to let them know that I was about to urinate on myself. One minute later a guy tech comes and escorts me to the restroom. He stayed in there with me while I tried to twist off the cap while holding the cup with the same hand. I asked him why he was still in the restroom with me and he said it was fine because I was in the stall and he was out where the sink was.

Long story short...I was NEVER able to twist the cap off without being noticed. Yea, I stopped smoking just a few days prior even though I planned to sub but of course now Im just at my wits end. Damn, kicking myself yet AGAIN. Hey, maybe the test will come back diluted?? Who knows!
Re: Same thing...different day..

Welp, test was today and everything was going well until the tech stayed in the bathroom with me. I pretended as if I had the shy bladder syndrome and was told to drink more water while I wait in the reception area. I sat in the reception area and planned how I would twist off my cap and produce clean urine. I finally felt confident that the tech was naive and that I would be able to pull it off. NOPE! It was very awkward to say the least. I pretended as though I needed water running in order for me to produce a sample and the tech directed me to another bathroom.

Everything was good until another tech came along and chewed her out for doing that. I was then told to wait in the reception area and drink more water. UGH!

I waited another 20 minutes and 4 more cups later I went back to reception desk to let them know I was ready. Sure thing I was told. They kept me waiting another 35 minutes and by this time my bladder was about to burst! I had to unleash my belt, and unbutton my pants to keep from peeing on myself....I went bck to the reception desk to let them know that I was about to urinate on myself. One minute later a guy tech comes and escorts me to the restroom. He stayed in there with me while I tried to twist off the cap while holding the cup with the same hand. I asked him why he was still in the restroom with me and he said it was fine because I was in the stall and he was out where the sink was.

Long story short...I was NEVER able to twist the cap off without being noticed. Yea, I stopped smoking just a few days prior even though I planned to sub but of course now Im just at my wits end. Damn, kicking myself yet AGAIN. Hey, maybe the test will come back diluted?? Who knows!
Contact your state dept of labor and industries or whatever they call it in your state. They broke the law and violated your civil rights. This sounds like a very easy case to beat. They can not watch you and they can NEVER have a person of the opposite sex be in the bathroom with you, so you have civil rights violations on multiple levels. Let me know what state you live in and I can dig up some info on your state laws.
Re: Same thing...different day..

Contact your state dept of labor and industries or whatever they call it in your state. They broke the law and violated your civil rights. This sounds like a very easy case to beat. They can not watch you and they can NEVER have a person of the opposite sex be in the bathroom with you, so you have civil rights violations on multiple levels. Let me know what state you live in and I can dig up some info on your state laws.

Thanks for your response...I live in Atl. I can not believe the day I had yesterday. Please help me with this if you can. I'm also praying because it will take GOD at this point to change this situation. Thank you kindly
I had such a stessful night with this on my mind. I feel like a complete loser and the only reason I smoke green is because I have depression and anxiety. This situation just worsens my anxiety and I have not hit any green in days because of the test. Although I had planned to sub something told me to chill out for few days until I got the test done. Yesterday was the WORST! I mean I am sooo stressed right now because this position was what I needed for my self esteem!

I just cant smoke anymore. This is just not worth it!
Re: Same thing...different day..

Thanks for your response...I live in Atl. I can not believe the day I had yesterday. Please help me with this if you can. I'm also praying because it will take GOD at this point to change this situation. Thank you kindly

here this is what found on privacy laws for GA.

•Invasion of privacy. Even an employer that is allowed or required to test might violate employee privacy in the way it conducts the test. For example, requiring employees to disrobe or provide a urine sample in front of others could be a privacy violation, depending on the circumstances.
Thanks....of course I'm online doing research on this topic. However, I have other shit on my plate as well. Yesterday's events really messed me up. I was due to move out of my place on the first of the month. I stayed because I was looking for a better job and had gone on a few interviews and knew that one would lead to a job offer. I have clean friends and have used their urine in the past..the waay past. I was served a notice last week and yesterday was the 7th day to respond. My plan was to take test first then head to court house. I was at the testing facility from 2:30 until 5pm on the dot.

Long story short...Im packing up my little studio apt at the moment. Everything was going so well a few days ago. I knew that I had to move but the light at the end of the tunnel was I was offered a position that pays $16 hourly. Now, I'm not so sure.

Thought I had everything mapped out and look how it went. Im only praying that there is a miracle. I will keep you guys posted on this issue but Im on the verge of being homeless or transient. SHIT
Sending thoughts, prayers and positive vibes your way Seacap. :Namaste:
Tear rolling from eye...Thanks a trillion. I messed up. I knw I did.

And btw..I got a call from another employer for a similar position and the interview is on Friday.'s an interview and Im sitting here crying looking at the job offer letter that I already filled out and faxed. Tomorrow is the tenative start day.

And in regards to the issue with landlord. I wrk for a temp agency occasionally. Last week I was called the same day as the notice was served to work Wed-Mon. Tuesday was the only day I had to head to court house.
you should be able to work that out with a landlord eventually, just stay clean, and borrow pee from a friend, ace ur next test and your on your way. if u failed this one they cant share that with another potential employer, breaks privacy laws regarding that. shit happens, just learn from the fuck ups, keep ur head up and something will eventually break :)
As of now my landlord has the upper hand...I'm waiting on a buddy to come so that we can load the truck and put my belongings into storage. I would rather do it today than to wake up to a someone banging on my door and putting my belongings on the front porch..not cool. Hey, I have another interview on Friday for a similar position.

Yes, I have learned the hard way that I probably need to be clean for at least 7 days prior to taking the damn drug test. I had done my research on the testing facility and could not find any info on the test being monitored or not. Something kept telling me that it would be. I learned a few years ago to trust that gut feeling. This was confirmation. I feel a lot better about myself now although I should be getting my work clothes ready for my big day tomorrow Im now putting my clothes away in storage. This too shall pass....
From what I've been able to find out Georgia is one of the few states that have no drug testing laws other than they have a program that companies can join to advertise as a drug free work place. But even though they don't have any drug testing laws they still can not violate people's civil rights and they violated at least 2 with you. They watched you pee for no apparent reason and they had a person of the opposite sex in the room with you. Both of those are federal civil rights violations.
Write down everything that happened and try to get as many names as possible. Don't confront anyone from the lab or say your going to sue them, they'll just start manufacturing evidence against you. There are legal resources like the ACLU and local legal aid outfits that maybe able to assist you in suing them.
And don't worry about the drug test. Its done, what happened happened, move forward. There will be other jobs and now you are more informed and know better how to play the game because you've been through it.
Next time maybe try a condom filled with urine, so all you have to do is poke it with a sharp fingernail. Lots of ways to play this game. I've been doing it for over 15 years and have never been caught. All you need is to formulate a game plan and then prepare.
Its a shame that they put people through this kind of unconstitutional behavior. But I just look at it as a game. I've won for a long time but they might beat me someday. No big deal, move on to another job.
Thanks for your response. The only issue with a condom is they're too thin and I'd be too afraid of the condom busting while inside of me. I travel via bus/train so I would need a container that is more sturdy and reliable.

No matter how well you plan; there can always be something that comes along and deters your goals. I had no idea there would be an attendant in the room with me and I would have never thought they would send in an opposite sex assistant. I have read and re-read these boards and nowhere have I ever seen it was legal and ethical to allow the above..yet it happened.

My job called yesterday to see how I wanted my name spelled on my email signature. So thanks for your support and no need to move on to another job.
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