

New Member
What does it mean when they advertise the seeds as feminized? How would they know what sex the plants will be? Which of the varieties would grow best under low light levels?
hey the difference is, the seeds are pre-treated with a hormone to ensure that the little fuckers are far as what strand grows under low light levels, what setup are you using? what kinda lights? how many whats? then i can answer your question better..
bongerella said:
They can also light poison a group of females. This means turning the light on for about an hour in the middle of the dark period. In an effort to preserve the species, one or more will become a hermie, due to stress, and sport a "male" flower. With no males chromosomes, no male seeds.
Without using harsh chemicals. You could still smoke the seedy pot with the light method. I don't think you can't use the plant when you use the chemical.

These are on the worldwideseeds page and listed as feminised seeds, so I guess they are treated.
Im talking about using reg 40w grow flourescant bulbs, but 8 or more of them. I want plants that wont take long and can do ok under these lights. Most of the strains are made for outdoors or halide etc. This isnt ideal but cant risk the heat from the big lights, and is better than nothing. Also would prefer not too smelly, I guess that leaves out skunk.
They either reversed the sex of a plant or used a chemical on them. They have the process down pat. Out of 50,000 seeds there may be 2 or 3 males.

Frankly I don't see what is wrong with being able to make your own seeds and find what you really want. But then I trade when I can and don't spend any money on seeds.
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